We had a giant pertussis wave in Spain Oct'23 - July'24. The coverage is almost 100%, unaffected by the covid debacle. It is obvious that that vaccine does not reduce infection or tansmission.

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On a long enough timeline, reality confronts us with an increasing probability that each one of us ends up becoming an asymptomatic carrier with disease causing potential. Let's start a new Game of Disease (GOD). In this version of GOD, only those who are obviously symptomatic can play and the rest of us will get on with living as we see fit.

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As "we see fit" reminds me of a DIY-er doing it as he "sees fit", Vs. following the manufacturers' instructions! I.e. Pride going before the fall! I.e. a common failure in narsistic know it all's!

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Better to have ended with, they rest of us will get on with living.

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What? "Living" in God's glorious eternal Heaven OR Satan's eternal tormentful Hell?

Inquiring minds want to know!

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It's always going to be a challenge to build robust, sustained immunity through use of a needle.

Getting some sun and addressing nutritional deficiencies is far more effective.


Increased serum antimicrobial peptide LL-37 and HBD-2 combined with 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 deficiency in infants with pertussis (2020)

... Results: The serum 25(OH)D3 levels in the children with mild (27.30 ± 5.98 ng/ml) and severe (24.40 ± 6.27 ng/ml) pertussis were significantly lower than that in the healthy group (30.16 ± 5.13 ng/ml; p <0.01). The vitamin D deficiency rates in children with mild (55.9%) and severe (78.12%) pertussis were significantly higher than that in the control group (34%; p < 0.01).


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Excellent point!

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“The Challenge” appears to be very well funded financially and politically despite the lackluster results for most products thus far.

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JLW- rare not rate in your subtitle (-:

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Why even consider anything our 50 billion in fraud fines big pharma says? Did you know that their fraudulent iatrogenic "medicine" is the leading cause of death? Do you like fraud & death? Did you know that the wages of sin is death? Or that Jesus died for you & pharma "medicine" can kill & harm you?

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No worries. Perhaps CBS News can ask the CDC for help in using PCR tests to create some phony pertussis outbreaks.

Outbreaks of Respiratory Illness Mistakenly Attributed to Pertussis --- New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Tennessee, 2004--2006


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You had me at CBS. This was probably what they were to say to get funding from Tdap vaccine makers. You’ll likely hear this story for every vaccine on CBS, if this works. They’re repivoting to become CNN.

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Has pertussis vaccine been changed since 2012-2014?

Back in 2012, the FDA quietly posted (on its website) a press release about research testing both acellular and whole cell pertussis vaccines in baboons. *Neither* acellular nor whole cell pertussis vaccine prevented baboons from being colonized by pertussis bacteria, and transmitting pertussis to unvaccinated cage-mates. Both types of vaccines turned baboons into asymptomatic transmitters of the bacteria. The benefit of vaccination was that it prevented the dramatic symptoms of pertussis -- which, it seemed to me, showed that these vaccines were functioning as anti-toxin vaccines, not anti-infection vaccines.

In the wake of this research, the Santa Fe Institute re-analyzed recent outbreaks of pertussis in human populations and concluded that these research findings explained the previously mysterious dynamics of pertussis outbreaks in the U.S.

Santa Fe Institute also stated that "cocooning" infants by vaccinating their adult caregivers and contacts was ineffective. And actually, cocooning infants was worse than ineffective, because vaccinated adult caregivers and contacts would be asymptomatic when they had pertussis. It would be better if adult caregivers and contacts were *not* vaccinated, so that they would have symptoms if infected with pertussis and would know to avoid unnecessary contact with babies.

Eventually, the FDA press release was removed from its website. The study was published very quietly and seemed to "slip through under the radar."

And then there was a 2014 report (based on CDC surveillance data, if I remember correctly) saying that the then-current acellular pertussis vaccine actually made vaccinated persons *more* likely than unvaccinated persons to become ill with the PRN-negative pertussis that was becoming dominant in the U.S. (This report was never made public, as far as I know; to find it, you had to look up the minutes of a CDC meeting...)

So what does "waning immunity" mean? Have changes have been made to acellular pertussis vaccines since 2012-2014, so that these vaccines have actually produced immunity to infection? Or is the "immunity" that wanes just the protection against the symptoms that alert people that they're infected?

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