Congress: DO YOUR JOB

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So fake pandemic directions might not happen again?

Anything from the corrupt government agencies can be challenged? Does it include all federal agencies like health issues from CDC?

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Interesting question! I hope it fully hamstrings these agencies. They've got WAY too much power.

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ATF. EPA. FDA. CDC. and more. Hopefully this ruling will roll back bad policy (doubtful) and not just forward-going efforts. It might account for the massive recent ramp up of anti-gun policies before the ruling came out.

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Huge and interesting news! Thank you.

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"As The World Turns" ----scarier and scarier. This is an absolutely horrible new reversal of the law. The Supreme Court is pushing the envelope towards more power and control than ever. As if R v W wasn't bad enough. It's going to have disturbing consequnces for every average citizen.

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Since when is telling unelected bureaucrats they cannot make law a case of making law? Since when does it increase SCOTUS' power? That requires some SERIOUS explanation! Do you really ENJOY breaking three government regulations before you even get out of bed in the morning? How can you sleep at night, knowing they could indict you for violating some rule in a set of books of many volumes that you will never read?

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"Opponents, however, warn that this shift may... potentially hinder the efficient functioning of federal agencies " LMAO when I read that line.

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I could not keep a straight face when I wrote it, but hey. It's true.

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Chevron is reversed! This is a time for serious rejoicing! Bureaucrats have no business making rules AT ALL. That job belongs to CONGRESS ALONE. When bureaucrats do it, this violates separation of powers, and also the fact that only ELECTED OFFICIALS should make law. This is a wonderful improvement, but it doesn't go far enough. Give Congress back its job. ALL REGULATIONS should be passed by Congress. Just imagine the liberty that would be restored if this were done. Congressional bills should never be longer than the Constitution itself, and should not contain irrelevant amendments. Any bill which has one bad provision should be voted down. Democrats have been changing our country into one of slavery a little piece at a time through irrelevant provisions and amendments.

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I want to pause and focus on this statement:

"Opponents, however, warn that this shift may lead to increased legal uncertainty and potentially hinder the efficient functioning of federal agencies tasked with implementing complex regulatory frameworks."

I think that's precisely the point. Our government has become very "efficient" in what they do best, i.e., violence and tyranny. We have an armed IRS now, for example. All of this is way off the rails and that "efficiency" has been *the* excuse for carte blanche tyrannical abuse.

It's those complex regulatory frameworks that, not only do you and I never get a vote on (in our "precious democracy"), but neither do our elected officials. Agencies like EPA, NHTSA, FDA, CDC , DHS, on and on, essentially issue diktats that drastically limit and shape our lives, our freedom, and our ability to pursue happiness. And they've done it in this manner specifically to avoid being accountable to the people or even having to worry about any legal repercussions for their malfeasance.

But undoubtedly, The Empire Strikes Back, i.e., these collections of unaccountable power will not take this laying down. I'm betting they are already figuring out ways to get around the ruling in order to keep it running like business as usual. They don't take "no" for an answer from anyone including the SCOTUS.

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