This is an excellent illustration of one of the biggest problems with "public health," and perhaps the field women's health in particular: instead of looking more closely at the obvious efficacy and safety problems of the vaccine and fixing them, they're studying COMPLIANCE.

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Has Japan started using the HPV vaccines again? I know they halted it several years ago due to concerns about premature ovarian failure. Terrible shot for a disease easily identified and treated with regular paps.

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Thank you shedding light onto the corruption of women’s healthcare issues

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Excellent and thorough critique, Dr. Jack. Huzzah! I hope you shared it with the journal editors.

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Feel free. I'm too busy running my own journal I can't run theirs too!! Http:publichealthpolicyjournal.com

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Analogous to the mistakes of looking at covid death instead of all-cause daeath. Another sufficient point to sink the ship is a potential rheumatoid arthritis risk:

“The OR for developing rheumatoid arthritis was 4·4; CI95% (1·74 − 11·14), juvenile idiopathic arthritis was 2·76 IC95% (1·50 − 5·11), idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura was 2·54 IC95% (1·28 − 5·02) and thyrotoxicosis was 2·86 IC95% (1·03 − 7·95), when comparing the vaccinated versus unvaccinated population.”


Nonspecific treatments are the way. Example: Some vaginal herbal cream:


Increases HPV clearance. Most of the time it is cleared in placebo groups as well in any case. Unlikely to cause type replacement.

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I wonder if there is mention in these types of studies about the incidence of endometriosis in the vacced group. I’m sure it’s got something to fo with the increase in endometriosis.

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When the HPV Vaccines was Developed, The Pharma Company that Made and distributed this jab, DID NO RESEARCH AT ALL ON HOW THIS VACCINE WOULD AFFECT THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ABILITIES TO CONCIEVE!!!


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