I was honestly hoping that they finally nailed Bill Gates!

A great story though! Sharing

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Friedan - former CDC director - why do these alphabet soup govt entities appeal to these malfeasants?

Were they corrupt first or did their position of power corrupt them?

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Money, power. Corrupt people, some, about 24% of us are narcissistic at the core. And ride the road to evil.

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Stop. Just stop this shit. I’m all for scenario planning but history has proven when this crowd gets together things go almost exactly as they gameplan. Clearly that’s the goal with these psychopaths.

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Powerful post. A must read. Sharing.

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This is a serious question. Is the policy advice recorded in the transcript below abuse of children???? In February, 2022 we knew scientifically that children did not serve as 'forward drivers' of SARS COV2 infection and the harms from masking children were documented in detail. We also knew children were at zero statistical risk for SARS COV2 infection from the very beginning of this whole mess. The costs of mask wearing significantly outweighed the risks of infection from SARS COV2 using any metric.

Sex abuse of one person is horrible. If this is child abuse through public policy misguidance, then it resulted in the harming of thousands of children.

There is a way out of this publicly. It is through an apology. It begins by stating something along the lines of---'this was wrong based upon the available evidence.'

I invite the perpetrators of the public policy advice to 'wear whatever mask you have'... to consider reexamining the evidence and if this was indeed abusive of children, please apologize.

The medical association president of NZ is taking the podium and examining evidence of the harms of the vaccine--and she has a much less friendly political environment than we do here the in the US! A head of state in the Middle East called upon his nation to repent for imposing the lockdown measures upon their poorest citizens and causing deaths and untold suffering.

Repentance involves acknowledging the truth and no longer hedging behind lies. It is a real spiritual exercise and allows the people around you to begin to forgive. With forgiveness, healing can follow.


February 16, 2022 Transcript from CNN transcripts.cnn.com


KEILAR: So, let's talk about masks now.


KEILAR: At what point does it make sense to abandon them in schools, at least temporarily?

INGLESBY: So, CDC is reviewing that data very carefully. The CDC is seeing the numbers come down across the country and seeing the hospitalizations subside, and that's all great news. So I know that they are very carefully reviewing the information.

I think CDC's job is to make sure that schools are safe and that kids can be in school around the country. And we're very happy that whereas in the beginning of the administration, there were about 46 percent of schools that were in-person. Now we're up to 99 percent of schools in- person and we want to keep it that way. So, CDC is going to review the guidance and make its judgments and offer that guidance to the American people.

KEILAR: Does it make more sense that masks maybe should be reconsidered if they're not high quality, considering how we saw the spread of Omicron?

INGLESBY: I think what CDC has said is that you should wear the best mask that you have available. So, any mask is better than no mask but, of course, these high-quality masks that are being distributed for free now are the best. And so, whatever high-quality mask is available, I think that's the recommendation.

The government will be making high-quality masks available for kids. That process is underway. But for now, I think for adults, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on when you're in indoor settings and the situation requires it, that would be the recommendation.

KEILAR: But if we're talking about kids in school --


KEILAR: -- and they don't have -- and look, I've tried to get -- I have little kids. I've tried to get high-quality masks for them. It's tough. They come, they don't fit -- they fit one, they don't fit the other.

Does it make sense to reconsider it while you don't have those high- quality masks available for younger kids, or why not?

INGLESBY: I think what CDC has said is that -- is that you should be wearing a mask that's the best mask possible. So we know cloth masks are better than no masks. Surgical masks are better than cloth masks. So whatever mask is available and fits well for kids should be used, according to CDC guidance.

We know that local officials will make their own judgments about what works best for their schools. But we're hopeful that local officials will really carefully consider all the science and particularly, CDC recommendations as they make decisions about that.

KEILAR: All right, Dr. Inglesby. Thank you so much.

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Great points. The abuse of children is across the board. That's why I engaged in 2015, and why I'll never stop until they are stopped.

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I bet found this in his government job listings search. “Professional diddler needed for tabletop exercise” I heard he was very disappointed when he showed up...

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Huh. I honestly thought it was going to be the transgender dude.

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I thought she was a man too... But then I looked for an adam's apple. But then again, maybe it is a dude, as people get their adam's apples shaved down these days...

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I had picked Mike Ryan. He just LOOKS like a perv!! Chances are, they are ALL pervs. Only ONE of them has been convicted, that's all.

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Where is the "all of the above" button for sex offender?

So SEERS-25?? Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025

These clowns can't even make a good acronym.

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They know that they can get away with just about anything now....no one will hold them accountable..the fact that Bill Gates is responsible for the deaths, permanent disability, and sterilization of thousands of innocent poor people in India and Africa with his experimental injections from years ago , yet is still allowed to continue his "public health" tabletop exercises and worldwide experimental injection pushing...and not one person is doing a thing to stop him immediately, shows us they are correct in that assumption. What do we do? What is answer to stopping these psycho-paths? Our military is apparently under the control of these globalist too. We need some miracles soon.

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I hear you!

The entire table-top simulation operation appears iterative. That is, they iterate to get better than they were during the Covid clambake we’ve all endured. Literally they seem to be treating it like a product’s research & development pipeline and won’t stop until the end product is as they want it.

It’s all disgusting. I pray for a just and right end to the madness.

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9/12/17 - "Frieden announced Tuesday that he will spearhead Resolve, an ambitious initiative targeted at saving 100 million lives over 30 years and preventing global epidemics, after seven years as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."..."The initiative will receive $225 million over five years from the Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, marking the first time those three major philanthropic players have collaborated in funding such a project."


Resolve website - "We work with governments and partners across the globe to co-create, advocate for, and scale up activities in two core areas: Cardiovascular Health / Epidemic Prevention."


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In terms of achieving their stated, ostensibly well-meaning, goal: Fail.

It feels about as gimmicky as a focus group in corporate America trying to come up with a mission statement.

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So they're telling us, again, that they're going to release a deadly virus to infect and kill children. Why are these people still alive?

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Well thank goodness your lot doesn't have pedos, just people like mark geier who chemically castrated children with autism to make huge profits off their unwitting parents.

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"Children of Men" movie, they told us then what was planned.😐😱🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Yeah, I’ve often thought of that movie (and many others from dystopia) lately.

These people have totally abandoned - or maybe never took to heart - the words “...Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

It is challenging to wish good will toward men and women who wish ill will of us. In the past I may just try to move away from these types of people, but in their current version of “life” they want no escape...total control or bust. This is unacceptable.

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All look suspect as hell. No way I'd leave them with my dog let alone children.

As for trusting Bill the butcher Gates

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The "sex offender" talk is just a distraction you don't need. This story isn't about who the audience is, it's about the real potential for the release of another virus and the institution of a new pandemic where they put W.H.O. in charge and try to run that scenario - again.

We need to focus on early treatment protocols and how to prevent people from going to hospitals.

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Michael, obviously, since I wrote the article, I disagree. Those doing public health takeover of medicine and our lives have seriously poor judgement. To include Frieden - well, why not let Andrew Cuomo join in? Or Harvey Weinstein? You know people by their actions.

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Finding things wrong with the people we don't like may seem like fair game but it aims at the "people on these committees are corrupt and we can't trust them" kind of angle which is just another sophisticated way to generate hate.

Not that it's not true, just that it's not relevant.

Coming together to hate isn't the same as coming together to solve the problems.

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