Biden is the satan of liars.

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It reminds me of my eczema. It will mostly be gone except for one tiny patch on my scalp that will not go away and no one but me ( and maybe hairdresser) can see. It itches, though and I know it’s there. Then one day, eczema back is back in multiple places: top of feet, ankles, and fingers, Itching and painful.

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All they were doing with this "extra time" was giving the agencies enough time to make sure liability protections would still be in place (CDC rec. immunization schedules etc. and PREP ACT protocols etc.).

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"...a fully-expected visit from the Spanish Inquisition."

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It's like a time share. You're never getting rid of it.

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They are teaching us the schedule of slavery.

None of us on the right like the concept, but the left will be sold on the idea.

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We have been conned into testing, testing, testing for the common cold (albeit can get worse in some) and setting arbitrary dates when it will end, w/o data, just pick a date any date. The word, CV, is like a swear word to me now. Stop saying it when it isn’t a real thing other than gov’t manipulation of the masses.

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You're always at war with Eastasia.

Of the many accurate prognostications from conspiracy theorists made in 2020 the perpetual 'pandemic' was afoot. Man, didn't they know it.

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Sounds like Herpes... never really goes away...

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And btw. Continuing telehealth rules extends ability to order abortion pills online - right?

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....is like keeping your basically healthy child in the hospital for 3 months after an appendectomy.

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Pharma finally got what it wanted; inclusion of c19 shots on the childhood vaccine schedule - the Holy Grail. Of course they're going to pretend the emergency is over; it is no longer needed to support their business model, which is cemented in place.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Transition to what exactly, Global War?

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Declaring never ending emergences is a violation of law, Forcing toxic exparmintel jabbs on Godless fools & suckers is in violation of the Nuremberg code! All to demonstrate USA & the world is now the all new & improved Nazi regime! Satan must be very proud!

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They are using this as another step towards judging everyone towards full govt controlled healthcare system. It’s all political and not truly medical.

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“Biden’s decision to wait 90 days to end the emergency reminds me of the reality that Biden is not in charge and the Becerra, Austin, Klein and unnamed others are really in charge"

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