I will never forget the videos I saw of Australian police brutally beating their own citizens for failing to wear a mask outdoors to the cops’ satisfaction or how Australia literally kidnapped unvaxxed people and put them involuntarily into quarantine camps. The only difference between modern liberal political leaders and Nazi leaders from the 1930’s is their accent.

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Has the Australian Revolutionary Movement responded to this? Can and dare they, since their key cell was imprisoned?

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"severe illness and death were rare among the vaccinated".

Um, yeah, they always have been, before the "vaccines" and now even rarer among the "unvaccinated".

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Australians share the same cognitive dissonance as all of western civilization. Doesn't stop transmission. Makes recipient seven time more likely to get the infection. The recommendation against a Fifth booster is surely only a temporary blip while they roll out more injections. The nation will have mandatory lifetime vaccinations no doubt. The silver lining is that this may be a way to return the continent to Indigenous Australians.

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"What are they smoking @ Reuters?"

Well it can't be cannabis despite Berenson's evil weed crusade. Nobody smoking that gets totally removed from reality. A different take, for sure, but...

I'd suggest it must be opium!

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Unjabbed Aussie here. There are still a few of us left who've managed to ride this thing out unharmed (well, physically anyway).

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The most locked down city in the world - Melbourne, Victoria has a state election on November 26. Will Victorians decide to re elect Daniel Andrews? - this would amount to another 4 years (12 in total). He is currently facing around 5 corruption investigations, soaring debt and yet still expected to win. Cognitive dissonance doesn’t even come close to explaining this.

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Crazy. Fools and slaves in the US did plenty of reelecting lockdown covidiots, too. I just don't get it.

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Hi James,

I’m wondering what a ‘wave’ actually refers to. Is it correct that Australia is in it’s forth wave? Are the waves followed by ‘boosters’? Or is that just chance? It looks like Australia had a few waves just for 2022, but they were all Omricon variants so is that technically one wave?

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perfect example of how a twist here, a tweak there, an omission or three and volia, you keep the official 'safe and effective' narrative going. almost nobody looks up the data on their own and those of us that do... well you know what WE are.

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