Thanks. Nice to get some confirmation. Have heard this since early 2020 with speculation that UN Carolina and other medical centers in the US assoc. with Fauci funded and actively researched this virus and then transferred the research to Wuhan. Living in these years is like trying to draw and redraw the diabolical plot of an implausible international thriller.

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So implausible the movie would flop at the box office due to being so unbelievable. ie There is no way the public would line up for repeated doses of obviously dangerous injections of unknown substances in unproven defense of a pathogen that no one can empirically prove exists in the wild.

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Nope. We must wonder whether any history will follow these episodes and if they do if the history will be remembered, studied or just consigned to the memory hole.

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We will not let the 'no virus, no GoF, no crime' misdirection campaign succeed.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

Wow ! Awesome ! Thanks for the share Dr Jack. I been waiting a long time for the filings and hopefully the full fledged lawsuits that will enSue.

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The GOF is already proven

1. Meythypseudouracil nucleotide swap in the synthetic mRNA molecule.

2. Synthetic spike 1 protein coded for 2 additional proline molecule to resist degradation by neutrophil elastase.

3. Attempted degradation of the synthetic spike 1 protein is resulting in amyloid like blockages.

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You've nailed it.

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Fauci-funded = BigPharma funded, no?

So, it's a scam to save BigPharma from a stock sell-off and collapse.



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#feloniousfauci must be held accountable for this second crime against humanity. The first was released of the recombinant DNA experiment with SV40 and bovine leukemia virus that contaminated hepatitis b vaccines in the late 70s! It was eventually called AIDS!

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Studying Bayer I.G. Farben's role in funding Hitler, the hollocost & WW2 all to make money & gain power also was a crime against humanity. (In fact the USA prosecutor in war crime trial #6 said WW 2 couldn't have happened with Bayer I.G. Farben! Typically no big punishment for the perps! I.E. Too big to punish! What better way to demonstrate, "Death is the wages of sin,: see Romans 6:23!

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Some good news. Thanks for sharing.

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Let me know when the televised hangings are. Good reason to turn on the TV.

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Big ever courting/ fraudulent Pharma is tooooo BIG to punish, and why? They lowered the earth's population by over 100 million people in just over 100 years, and that's a good thing, says our now Satan inspired, one nation under Man, Government of free stuff! (Soon to be "One World under the chains of slavery."

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Is this "news"?

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Answer! Not to Big Media & Big Government! It's all just conspiracy theory misinformation, that helps to kill chrildern & the environment! It's just like that "nut job" Jesus & disciples, spreading disinformation & trying to break down Roman prostitutions & sex triditions!

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In reply to my own question. THIS is a pretty astounding release. I will read and re-read. The timeline info alone is worth a review. Juxtapose this timeline info with Saegner's Matt Pottinger's article.


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Yes, the affidavit from the former employee is news.

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There remains some much bigger dots to connect. I assert and predict they are definitely there.

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Insiders, highly qualified doctors, many thousands around the globe have opposit opinion to the Fauci, and Tadros, yet, it is FORBIDEN for all the media to air these scientists opinions.

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"Nothing new under the sun." In the 1915's, big pharma's rushed into production emergency/ experimental vaccine gave us the Fort Riley Kansas, Patient Zero for the 500 million kill [so-called] Spanish flu! (Like blaming China for USA's/ EcoHealth Alliance 400 million kill flu!) I.E. "nothing new."!!!

Getting your health advice from the leader in *fraud fine payments, [of $5 Billion] AND a leading cause of iatrogenic death @ 250,000 to **760,000 annually/ [2080 each day] is Ludacris! All that evil could only happen in a Godless dumb-down educated nation of sex perverted suckers & fools! I.E. as wise as getting your salvation advice from Satan! *Google; Big pharma's big fines! ** see; Death by Medicine by Dr. Null! see; The Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study claims "medicine" only kills 25K. a year) God please save us from big corrupt evil pharma! Amen

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i dont believe it. there is NO way, fauci at al would develop such a thing.

most importantly Donal J Trump would have known about it, and DJT would have NEVER, EVER appoint fauci to such a position.

another lie!!!

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Then you don't want to hear Dr. Judy Mikovits, who worked under Fauci then blew the whistle on the dirty rat, & lost her job for it [Most Godless rats shut up & take a promotion} She didn't & tells to the best of her knowledge & patent evidence SARS & SARS 2 Cv 19 was Made & funded [by taxpayers] In the USA! I. E. Hoisted on are own petard! and we deserve it!

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Sarcasm doesn't work well in text form :)

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"He who dares not to offend cannot be honest.” - Thomas Paine

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

it depends on the reader ... :)

trump was more fun in the old days ... not so much with operation warpspeed ...


and if you have a few more minutes here is george carlin nailing it ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ4SSvVbhLw

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I passed the Renz document on to a doctor I know. A doc2doc transfer, as it were.

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It amazes me that people mix up the virus from the disease. Article says Fauci funded group created the disease Or was it the virus.

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Perhaps Mr. Huff would like to comment on what is Sar CoV-3 that is referred to in documents on Pubmed.

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Ralph Baric is the linchpin. He must be deposed.

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