Our nations hospice and palliative care systems have long been corrupted. I personally have had three elderly family members ushered off this mortal coil with inappropriate administration of drugs (morphine) and lack of hydration. The truth is, all along, if the person making end of life decisions so chose, death could be hastened to as little as a few days. It is happening every day across this great land ... all that is required is a strong enough dose of morphine and the patient is immobilized then it is a simple matter of not administering liquids ... within two weeks the patient is dead. Both of my grandfathers and my father last December (2022)

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I'm very sorry. This seems to be standard practice in the UK, and no doubt it happens elsewhere as well.

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I'm in favor of assisting dying under certain circumstances, such as terminal illness, quadriplegia or even extreme disability in which an individual is virtually crippled and is only existing, not living. People should be allowed to end their lives as comfortably as possible, as they decide. This process should be made legal, smooth and fast.

I understand there can be a fine line between mental illness generating suicidal ideas vs a conscious, knowing decision to end life because that person's life simply isn't worth living anymore. Mental illness should be treated, for sure.

As an example, if I'm injured to the point of quadriplegia, I want the right to end my life assisted by a doctor. I don't want others or the law preventing me from carrying out my wishes. Same for any terminal illness.

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Tell the quadraplegia schtict to Joni Eareckson

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I lean more towards complete freedom to choose death if you simply can’t live here on earth anymore, whatever the reason. BUT, and it’s a significant but, there needs to be professional assistance to help with this decision.

There are always abuses to anything, but you cannot deny others the right to something beneficial just because of the abuse, which obviously needs to be stopped or strongly mitigated.

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Outrage as scientist backs gas chamber 'death pod' scheme for Scotland


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Would anyone be surprised if “Assisted Dying” is extended to those deemed psychologically ill? Especially those who refuse to conform to the Establishment Narrative?

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Check out what's happening in Canada. They introduced the first round of MAID legislation in 2016, and amended again in 2017 to get wider. This year the Liberal govt tried to introduce the inclusion of mental illness - the slippery slope. But they had to back it off - postponed.

This is worth a deeper dive. It's already being floated that dissenters must have some sort of mental disorder.

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The Ontario College of Physicians & Surgeons says that vaccine hesitant people should get medications and therapy to assist them in making the "right choice".

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"His concern primarily revolves around the potential for such laws to gradually expand, potentially leading to misuse or unintended consequences."

Free Will is the most fundamental right of humans. To encroach on these rights is wrong. OTHER people should not be deciding when and IF you can leave the planet. Currently the slippery slope of not having a system in place to provide people with a peaceful pill...which is not the same as increasing their morphine or deny water... which means death is suffering for days or weeks...is not a compassionate civilization. EVERY system in place has its issues. The so-called slippery slope of cars is that kids will steal their parents keys and go for a joy ride that might kill them and an innocent family of 6. (That list goes on and on.) The slippery slope of medicine is that medical mistakes will be in the top five of killers (it is BTW) of people. Do we end the use of cars? medicine? No..we re-design for more and more safety.

We currently have only trauma based suicide options for people...guns, parked cars on railroad tracks, hanging, jumping off bridges, slit wrists...the horror goes on not just for the desperate person (Imagine the pain they are in to decide to deal with this end) but for family members, friends and the community. NOT addressing the issue ...leads to the above nightmares...everywhere, everyday. This is the slippery slope of NOT addressing the issue. Here's the first issue to be tackled, that has a direct impact on 'why suicide'>>>We do not know who we are and why we are here.

THIS is the crux of the problem. It's also by design that we do not know...and are only left with beliefs. The biggest lie ever told is not 'safe & effective'. We have the ability to prove that we are not just wet computers but spirits having a human experience. I fell down this rabbit hole and after a decade of work and a master's program in Critical & Creative Thinking and found the 'we can't know how consciousness emerges' is a claim for the past ...and is not true in our time of resuscitation science. "Who the hell are we are what are we doing here?" once answered by science would 1)confirm a lot of religious beliefs 2) give credence to the millions of patterned experiences of those who have died and returned 3) give people the needed foundational understanding of their existence so that they can make better informed decisions...not only how they live but how and when they die. This question must be front and center, not only as 'the right to die' gains momentum but also as they try to push out Human 2.0....before we even answer what Human 1.0 truly means.

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The article states (accurately?) "Five people younger than 30 who were killed at their own request cited autism as the sole or a major reason for their decision to end their lives, the UK study found." Younger than 30?...so 24, 20, 29, 26, 22?? A long time to live with autism and decide you have had enough. Only people living with a condition can decide if they have had enough of it. It's not another,'s usually healthy (and a control freak..."Wear your mask!") right to decide for another person. Meanwhile children as young as 7 can decide to be put on puberty blockers and mutilate their bodies LONG before they reach 'younger than 30'. The rule needs to be the legal age for either. We can debate that legal age but logic says it should be once your brain has fully matured...currently science reports that is 25. More studies on that claim need to be done. Once you have reached that age, it's your choice. (Also, doctors are about healing...once someone decides to leave, doctors shouldn't be involved.)

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You might think killing people is fine, for whatever reason, I don’t.

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"...at their own request"

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Chills Me To The Bone. would not the dx of 'intellectual disability' automatically mean that the person is incapable of making such a decision?!

as the parent of a 19 yr old with low functioning autism, this literally makes my heart pound with horror and fear! my son would probably follow anyone who knew his name and appeared to be in a position of authority (like a teacher, etc). he also would likely answer 'yes' to the question of 'do you want to end your life', if he got cues from the person that this was the expected answer. developmentally disabled people are the ultimate 'useless eater' and are 100% vulnerable to globalist pressures to lower the population.

mentally competent adults who are suffering and/or have a terminal illness is one thing. extending it beyond that, oh hell NO! full stop. not a line in the sand but a brick wall.

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Assisted Suicide for the Poor Recommended by Canadian Ethicists

Choosing death in unjust conditions: Authors Recommend Allowing MAiD for the Desperately Poor




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They also strongly 'recommended' people get vaxxed. FREE WILL means you have a choice. Many of us did not choose the vax...poor people don't have to go along with the 'recommendations' to end it all and rather go along with the other many recommendations of how to get out of poverty.

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Government can the use this to say who they regard as unfit or “sick” and get rid of them. Like eugenics. Nazis.

Also my husband who died last September was a person who lived with quadriplegia and he struggled more than other ppl in different ways but he would have not wanted to die that way. He didn’t just try to live but loved life and worked to overcome the obstacles that were put in his way! He wanted to make life easier for him but for others first! I try to remember these things now living without my best friend!

He worked, drove, tried to get things fixed in our home, his chair, helped me, helped others. Oh how much ppl who have physical needs and and we all have needs can help each other if we only take the time to ask and try!

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100% ^^ Right there with you! deepest condolences for your loss.

my oldest son's father was a C4-5 incomplete quadriplegic. (paralyzed below the armpits; had use of his arms but not fine motor of the fingers.) he broke his neck diving into a pool at age 18. he went on to live a pretty active life, helping run his family's small trucking company. I cared for the man for 12 yrs. he had chronic pain issues and ended up with an addiction to pain killers, which of course contributed to ill health. he died at the age of 52, of hospital-acquired MRSA. He was frustrated but cherished life, in spite of being in almost constant pain. his life had value. a day doesn't go by that something doesn't remind me of him.

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Governments could also use their power to corrupt vax companies...zero liability. Oh wait!...they did this!...since the 80's...they have been killing innocents who trusted this system, a vaccination schedule that now includes 92 inoculations. The problem is the over-reach of gov't and the corrupt power of the gov't. So why exactly should a well designed system of 'death with dignity' involve a corrupt gov't? It shouldn't.

Re: Your husband and any others in this thread who shared stories of their loved ones over coming very serious disabilities. We LOVE stories of people who are able to thrive in spite of the challenges they face...however, everyone is not a 'navy seal'. Many factors come into play for ANY success and finding meaning and enjoyment in life. We can't know what is in the experience, and hearts and minds of those who choose to leave the planet. Although a well designed 'death with dignity' system would be a program to enlighten (expand the understanding past the drama or trauma they are in...like providing guided mushroom trips, past life regressions for instance...both of which have great results), in the end we must honor people's choice to exercise their free will. They have the right to live the way they choose, even if we don't approve and die when and how they choose to die, even if we don't approve.

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If he was here, he would have worked another year to thrive and serve others in his 40th year as a person who now had to overcome c 4,5 incomplete quadriplegia.

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The government should always be in favour and support life. Period. Otherwise, you are on a slipperly slope to oblivion, including Aktion T-4 and Lebensunwertes Leben. Would that those advocating such, as below, actually show some intellectual honesty and look this up.

Government support of life? Yes, that's what all gov't should do. Now, if someone wants to do themselves in, no one can stop them, have at it, and you have multiple venues.

But this non-Einstein below saying she would die if a quad? I WORKED at one of the largest hosptials serving quads and paras in N. America, GF Strong Rehab Centre in Vancouver, BC for years. People have full and rewarding lives, albeit with challenges. I daresay Joni Eareckson has a fuller and better live than most fully functioning people. Then there is NIck Vujecic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Vujicic born with no arms or legs. An international speaker, I daresay he has a better and more valuable life to society than 90% of his peers. He has a university degree, is married, travels the world speaking, starting a pro life bank, etc. But to the writers below commenting, he would just be aborted, and would be consigned to the Nazi-esque life unworthy of life gambit.

Some of these writers below have not thought through the issue fully. Life if MORE than pleasure.

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Have you seen my exploration of the topic? it's from a few months ago, there are some new developments but it goes over the NGO aspect of the campaign and over the upside-down legal / economic framework that I think will be forced on doctors if it just keeps going the way it is going.


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MAID in Canada was already in the top 10 causes of death by 2021 (#6 or #7 depending on how covid deaths are counted), and it's still expanding. While it's good they decided on a one year delay to their roll-out of euthanasia for mental illness alone, people should be aware that next up after mental illness is extending MAID to "mature minors" down to age 12.

A Canadian retail chain took it upon itself to make a slick advertisement encouraging MAID: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bssvubnVvgg . It's relevant because those in power do prefer to get us to do as they wish through propaganda, rather than force. They will clearly use force if necessary, as with vaccine mandates, but most of the people who took the vaccine did so voluntarily, and many, enthusiastically, because of the propaganda. Their goal will be to get people to choose MAID voluntarily, but it will be in a context of government and media messaging and social pressures. I've already seen people on Twitter complaining that their elderly parents were being repeatedly offered MAID by medical staff, which can be very distressing to the entire family.

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and the crowd chants "renew, renew, renew" - Logan's Run

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There is more than one troublesome factor involved.

The first is bodily autonomy. If a person is physically able to obtain the means of their own demise, "medical assistance" becomes a matter of approval-seeking.

The second is simple economics. When a system is put in place where hired hands are involved, an "industry" is born. The implications of this are obvious to anyone taking the time to understand the nature of perverse incentive and the role of regulatory capture in every industry, including the medical industry.

The third is mission creep and how it is inevitable. The iron law of institutions illustrates this.

The fourth is a corollary of the first. Approval seeking, when satisfied by the acceptance and permission of authority figures, results in a "finger on the scale" when a suicidal person is weighing their options to escape whatever it is that is causing their suffering.

Death is, for most, a tabu subject. The inevitability of death imposes severe cognitive dissonance when the reality of it must of necessity be confronted. This results in a variety of reactions, few of which are adaptive.

It's best to grapple with the concept of bodily autonomy and resolve one's internal conflicts about it, before engaging in advocacy that leads to the abomination of the Canadian MAID mission creep.

Ultimately, it becomes a matter of utilitarianism, and the last thing anyone needs is any further degradation of the separation of individualized medical care from "trolley problem" public health legislation. A practitioner should never pull that lever, while public health officials must always do so.

The purpose of empowering bodily autonomy, which is what these laws intended, would have been almost entirely served by simply removing restrictions on obtaining toxic agents that do not cause pain. Because regulators are unwilling to relinquish power over the lives of individuals, it became a matter of fiddling with various Overton windows.

We evolved to survive to the last, perhaps unwilling at times, breath. Overcoming that evolutionary mechanism is a complex and harrowing process, by design. Bypassing that mechanism at a societal level is extremely unwise.

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Food for Taught from a Canadian Expert on Euthanasia (MAID):


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