How did this happen?

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Mr. Lyons-Weiler...your summation of this essay says it all - we are apparently operating with a criminal governance 'machine' in our Federal government - which former POTUS Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the American public about before exiting the White House.

Now...over 64 years later...all we get from the Executive and Legislative branches of our Federal government is a 'merry-go-round' of "investigations, impeachment proceedings, feckless leadership and animosity between these two branches of government. NOTHING SUBSTANTIVE will EVER come from such a misanthropic array of 'posers' who are either SELECTED (not really "elected") or APPOINTED FOR A LIFETIME (allowed to carry on clandestine activities that are tearing our once great country apart.


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sadly, I think that the US is officially a banana republic now. I'm not seeking to minimize the import of the situation, but still, that thought is at the forefront for me, in a general way.

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Moon over Parador?

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we WISH it was fictional. sure feels surreal, does it not?

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If constantly at war n looking for more action must spill over into the collective unconscious (n maybe consciousness) of the entity that’s indulging in planetary argy bargy.

What a goat f**k!!

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Chris Martenson has more than adequately shown through forensic audio and video analysis that ‘Crook’ only fired the first 3 shots. The last 5 are significantly higher pitch with delayed echo dynamics. I’m an audio engineer and more than satisfied.

There were two people shooting at Trump!

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There were a number of people who pointed out that the discrepency he was hearing was due to the direction of the microphone changing during the video.

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Could be but multiple changes in audio make it less likely. Delay in echo time, pitch and volume all different suggesting distance and reflective surface differences. Also the camera angle change happened in such a short time with no arc in sound change ( no audio gradient profile - just tow distinct sounds. Also now emerging is interesting water tower footage and eye witness account.

I dunno much but I can smell bullshit and this whole thing looks like an intentional hit and a cover up.

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I’m open to that if they can show the math and match the trajectory angles and the blood splatter patterns.

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The depressing thing to me is that engineers and others who understand physics are simply ignored. All those architects and engineers who stood up to say planes and buildings don’t act like that? They don’t get any respect.

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Well said!

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At least. HealthRanger, Mike Adams contends 3.

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Can you imagine if trump had been assassinated? You would get even less compliance from the crooked demoloons currently calling the shots.

LITERALLY calling the shots.

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Whether you like him or hate him, just imagine the worldwide reverberation of shock and awe that would have been a global spectacle, ran over and over and over again on social media if DJT's head had been blown off???? We are talking about the supposed "could be" and "has been" the so-called Leader of the Free World and top leader of the so-called most powerful, most greatest, most everything country!

Imagine if children had been watching that on live TV, children from around the world, but especially those children who have been brainwashed to believe that the POTUS, past and present, are utterly protected. Imagine the psychological trauma that would have caused to even the least self-aware.

While people out there are saying "next time don't miss" I wonder if they even remotely realized what this entire world would be like had that bullet reached its target and on live TV, folks from around the world saw DJT's brains splatter all over the place.

Yes, this may seem like a hollyweird movie, but real life is real life, and to see in real time, someone's brains splatter all over the place is nothing to take lightly.

I am not engaged in the 2 party illusion, but no matter what, DJT is a human being, and to see a human being go out like that, has to surely be the most horrific thing to witness, no matter who they are.

I was in 7th grade when JFK was assassinated. We did not have social media back then. We listened to the radio, and those of us who had TV's, we could only rely on what the anchors told us, later on in the day. But I do remember the hush that fell over all of us in my classroom, when it was announced that JFK had been shot. Everything and everyone STOPPED!!

Today, we get to witness it in real time. That rally was broadcast live, who knows how many cell phones, camera men and press were all there taking pictures and video. We would have seen that fatal blow over and over again, like the attempted assassination, like the twin towers, just over and over and over again.

Finally, it is my deepest impression, that that almost catastrophic event, sent a HUGE MESSAGE to every single political leader with puppet strings attached to them...... and the message is... "THAT COULD HAVE BEEN YOU! SO YOU BETTER FALL IN LINE!"

While DJT may appear as a warrior to some, I would wager that he will definitely do exactly as he is told, should he re-president himself. Showing him a movie of a President being assassinated or an attempted assassination pales in the face of the real thing.

He now knows that someone could seriously take him out should the command come down. And that is very, very worrisome for what we are about to see DJT do if he is re-elected.

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The attempted assassination of Trump is illustrative of how the deep state handles information leaks. The Deep State does not want the country's image stained by whistleblower testimonies nor does it was the information out in public view because then how can the Deep State do it's work in the light of day? The Deep State can only work in the Dark.

A Long, Sordid History of US Bioweapons

In American Exception: Empire and the Deep State how the US clandestine state routinely breaks laws and hides this lawbreaking from the public. This is done constantly in the name of “national security.” Criminally immune state actors hide these practices because not hiding them would damage the US image, which in turn would damage “national security.” Theoretically, the clandestine state could kill someone who might expose how the state murdered Frank Olson because Frank Olson was going to expose US war crimes. . Given that there is a mechanism that apparently does intervene decisively in such a way, what precludes such “executive action” from being deployed against other officials, even elected ones? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. believes that his uncle and father were killed by the state because they sought to wind down the Cold War and US global empire. The unadjudicated assassination of Frank Olson informs us that the US regime has an apparatus for extrajudicially executing US citizens – including US officials. The case also informs us that the regime has no interest in justifying or explaining this. Seventy years after the fact, the US government refuses to even acknowledge that it has assumed this prerogative. The apex of the US regime operates in lawless secrecy.

They Will Kill Him Rather Than Let Him Win by Elizabeth Nickson - ARTICLE The Chinese Progressive Association runs a balancing act between the Chinese Consulate in SF - they run all their statements and actions through the consulate - and the American progressive movement, which is largely run by members of the American Communist party. The Association boasts that they flipped Virginia via just the methodology described above, lavishly funded grass roots operative organizations in every hamlet, village, farm region, slum and immigrant barrio in Virginia. It is believed that one hundred members of Congress already work for China, the money is simply so seductive.

The Chinese Progressive Association is geared towards defending China by bringing down President Trump. It guides and directs U.S. Communists to flip elections. Their grand stratetgy is focused on the South, which they call The New Confederacy. The South is the backbone of Republicanism, Conservative Christianity, and they aim to break it, via the large black, latino, and Chinese communities seeded, sometimes strategically, through the South. In the election upcoming, Tides and the Chinese Progressive Association will target all their resources into the South. The CCP literally has voter registrations drives all through the American South and the Northern swing states. Hence you will see at HAVV that Alabama is under assault by “new voters”.

Document Friday: Project ARTICHOKE, or the CIA Attempt to Create an Unwitting Assassin Through Hypnosis https://unredacted.com/2010/04/23/document-friday-project-artichoke-or-the-cia-attempt-to-create-a-manchurian-candidate/

Richard C Three Sages substack comment Watching the aftermath unfold. Here is my substack from earlier today on the anti-Trump "Shadow Men" vendetta. https://substack.com/profile/24576816-richard-c https://montanarcc.substack.com/p/trump-assassination-attempt-forecast Trump Assassination Attempt Forecast in 2023 Book: "Our Country, Then and Now" “Shadow Men” Implicated

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I'm wondering if he's asking the questions necessary for supporting the narrative. Not the REAL questions that should be asked. Well, communication logs would be helpful.

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The really shocking thing is that duly elected members of our government are not allowed to know how the government operates. Forget transparency for us the people. Much of government is a closed box - even for those on the inside!

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...no drone coverage. Why?

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I think one can say that the horse has well and truly bolted on this one: the government agencies have not only held back information they also did their anti-heroic best to not carry out forensic examination of the site and to sabotage the possibility of one. It was on present evidence a carefully prepared clown show, the main question being whether President Trump was supposed to die (and it went wrong) or to create an iconic narrative of his heroic/messianic survival. It would for example be a simple trick (too simple?) for him to suddenly clutch his ear and fall to the ground, and this would be with the complicity of security personnel - who have of course so far shown zero curiosity about what actually happened. Trump himself has said little to my knowledge (except telling RFK Jr that the shot sounded like a giant mosquito) and left it to his son to complain about the security cover. Chris Martenson seems to think that the shots were not fired by Thomas Crooks and there was activity inside the building complex where Crooks was ensconced on a roof (and which was reputedly owned by Blackrock?). https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1815212548956000303 I wish Senator Johnson success: he is one of the few good men in all of this.

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