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Dec 26, 2021
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Good contribution...but as his personal choice seems to indicate - better to AVOID CREATING, or exacerbating the auto-immunity issues, in the first place, then treating them after the fact, regardless of how effectively... Because, of course, you always run the risks of causing NEW adverse effects, that you may need to treat, in the allopathic cascade of iatrogenic illnesses and treatments, which will often cause still further side effects and illnesses.

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This.is.scary. ..and governments are pushing endless boosters for everyone..😪

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Please STOP using emotive words.

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Bravo, Dr. Jack. This essay contains all sorts of information connected in ways that make sense and offer well-founded conclusions. I’m printing for my vaccine study group and sharing electronically. Kudos.

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Isn't hydroxychloroquine prescribed to treat autoimmunity?

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Sooooo the people questioning why the software guy obsessed with overpopulation was pushing vaccines so hard were right?

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This is a great post. A lot of work was put in it by you or whoever submitted it. Thanks for sharing.

My main question is, is the vaccine immune suppression, realistically, could cause excess cancers. If so, what wouldbe the early signs to watch for, such as rare or especially aggressive cancers.


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Skin cancer would be a good (very visible) indicator, and Dr. Cole mentions increased incidence of melanomas (matches both your criteria). https://greatgameindia.com/increase-cancer-vaccinated/

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I'm in Australia, where the ozone is thin, and skin cancers abundant. I have one mate who always fights them - but they have gotten larger and more persistent since the shots. Another mate didn't have them at all, but had to go and have large cell cancers removed from her legs. That's just in my close personal circle. Australia would be an excellent case study on this - as we get "skin checks" annually, there have been skin cancer scare campaigns since the 80's.

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I’m just going to say what everyone is thinking. They are deliberately trying to maim and kill large segments of the world population with this poison.

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I'm waiting for the punchline once we get them cornered in a cul-de-sac. "Yeh. You got us. It's got nothing to do with a virus or science." We're at the point in the same conference or interview they say what amounts to "the vaccines don't work but get your booster This time they'll work! Promise!" I don't know what to think anymore. It's been drilled into people's one-dimensional minds the vaccines protect them and that lockdowns work without either things would be much worse! Stockholm Syndrome, hysteria and psychosis are the piggies in a blanket we somehow have to undo. Someone could literally die in front of a doctor after taking the shot and still they'll wonder "why" it happened. "It can't be the vaccines because they're "safe and effective" according to....well, not sure but they're grrrrreat!" This dogmatic fervency for serums has to be considered a cult at this point.

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Dr Bruce Patterson may be a good lead as someone who might have ideas of how to treat those harmed by vax

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These doctors had a four hour live stream this December. Treatments were addressed. I'm new to this

their site, but I am very familiar with most of the doctors. They also have a Telegram channel and "Doc Vince" has some of the presentors on YouTube today 12-26-2021. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/ I'm gonna start focusing on treatments. My CV- BS,minor, BS,minor, PreMed, AS, RN-on hold. Master Gardener, Self taught herbalists/naturalpath/empath 22 years. Medication Administration since 2003. Professional University Life and Medical Undergraduate Science Student. 32 years, yes 32 years, lol and until I RIP.

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🫂 Addendum to above post ~ Dr Shankara and Dr Jessica and Doc Vince and many others presented December 2021.


UKColumn.org has a couple Symposiums also.

Here are some more Excellent links to tons of presentors and info




Love You All, me. Dawn 🦋 ps I didnt use last names. I do not know if I should or shouldn't use dr names? I'm concerned about Dr Zev's safety today and so is he.

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Hello Dr. Lyons-Weiler, your April 2020 paper reports that the SARS-Cov2 spike protein and NS3 protein each have six immunogenic peptides; and that over 1/3 of the immunogenic proteins in this virus are homologous to key proteins of the human adaptive immune system.

Do you know how this compares to the prevalence of immunogenic peptides in viruses such as common colds or flu, which are generally viewed as nuisances rather than potentially life-threatening? What about deadly viruses such as HIV or polio? Your results sound terrifying, and yet it's hard to be sure how to interpret this in a broader perspective.

Considering the evidence that SARS-Cov2 Spike is a bioweapon created by GOF research, do you believe that the pathogenic priming potential of the virus and its "vaccine" were intentionally optimized?

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Just to play the devil's advocate, and I know it is probably unlikely, but just wondering if these 15 died because they had existing autoimmune conditions (unknown to them) and were thus more susceptible to effects of the vaccines? I have heard that those with autoimmune conditions are more susceptible to Sars-Cov2 itself.

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That does bring us back to the vax as a personal decision made by the individual in consultation with their physician. And it only reinforces the case against vax mandates. If you get Covid-19 and have a compromised immune system, you are high-risk indeed for a bad outcome. More so if you are just sent home and provided with no early treatment. So let the individual person, based upon the best information available, make the decision. The vax has been death sentence to otherwise seemingly healthy people: Lisa Shaw, one noteworthy example, which thankfully the BBC did not try to cover up < https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-58330796 >. Too many unknowns here to justify this massive public health experiment for which the individual person has NO recourse under law if the vax goes horribly wrong. Pfizer and Moderna have been granted immunity. Those seriously harmed or killed by adverse reaction to the vax: collateral damage. We had to destroy them in order to save them? I've never been fond of that logic.

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Perhaps most everyone in countries with childhood vaccinations and the flu vaccine have autoimmune disease, even if mild. I think many people have become accustomed to living in a non-optimal state of health, thinking it's normal.

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Yeah - one my grown-up children has POTS which can be autoimmune - not sure where it came from, but I know that some kids have had POTS after HPV jabs and it has been documented for some people after the Covid jabs. My child did not get the HPV but got most of the scheduled childhood jabs (I trusted my doctors when they were young and you had to have them all for school in CA though we did not give them flu jabs every year).

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Great post. Question: does infection with the Covid-19 virus have the same or similar effects to the inoculation? Both have spike protein entering the body.

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no doubt about it. multiple symptoms are a match between what I've gone through as a long hauler and many sources of information regarding those inoculated. there's a site with comments restricted to those in the medical fields that I just ran across. they're discussing what works and such. https://www.medscape.com/sites/public/covid-19/vaccine-insights/how-concerned-are-you-about-vaccine-related-adverse-events?src=soc_fb_share

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Cheat sheet summary of the findings so far: "The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality."

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INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY COMPLAINT filed 12-6-2021. I do not know if it is true. https://www.riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/modern-day-censorship/covid-19-pharmaceutical-giants-gates-fauci-uk-officials-accused-of-crimes-against-humanity-in-international-criminal-court-complaint/ Lifesitenews.com had this also last week along with a link to dailyexpose.uk for the actual complaint document filed December 6, 2021.

thedesertreview.com Gates, Fauci, search 12-20 and 12-23. dailyexpose.uk Gates, Fauci search also have info and the Ieohomann.com also have the article on CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and COMPLAINT filed in INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT - icc-cpi.int search ICC reference: OTP-CR-473/21 from riotimesonline.com comments.

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