How about jail time for executives and researchers who perpetrate fraud?

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Government, including the courts, is organized crime.

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Then the Noerr–Pennington doctrine needs to be 'taken down" much like the Chevron Doctrine once voided changed the landscape of how a self proclaimed expert can interpret vague laws thus producing the likes of the criminal fauci and his NIH cronies AND their "memos of guidance" that became ILLEGAL mandated rules.. Void Noerr-Pennington doctrine now!!

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Nothing new under the sun. So there hasn’t been regulation of the drug companies for decades. Here’s more evidence. Not even the courts will protect the American public. We just saw how there was no regulation during Operation Warp Speed. This is the new normal. Reform for the corruption is not possible. It’s just what Big Pharma always wanted. The FDA and the courts are collusion partners. How can one say that the US is not fascist? We are witnessing the merging of corporate, government, and legal power.

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The merger happened 4+ decades ago.

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It was entered into the Federal Register on June 1, 1984, vol 49 #107 page 23007, that “any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine shall not be allowed to exist.” That mantra continues today. They want us to believe that antibodies created from shots called vaccines are protective. They are exactly the opposite…destructive, and the data backs that up. Even after knowing that, people will still run out and get a shot because they want to believe it will give them some protection. But, when you understand the biology, you’ll never subject yourself or a loved one to a shot called a vaccine ever again.


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cannot heart this enough!

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Wow, they've really solidified their liability protections even in the case of FRAUD. This is insane. That judge is either bought, threatened or fully corrupt, because to rule in favor of Merck in this case is an absolute FAILURE OF JUSTICE.

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So if Merck is not at fault, then the FDA must be at some kind of fault, right? What can they be sued over?

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FDA people have sovereign immunity to avoid personal liability but they can *all* be fired and lose ther pensions by tearing up all the FDA's enabling legislation allowing it to exist and then start over. Push all their powers down to the states and allow states to do compacts while also making all the state medical boards re-think their existences. We all know far too many state "licensed" doctors and nurses went along with the FDA "recommended" vaccine murders and maimings for decades. Shame to them all.

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I have followed this case for 12 years and never once saw it reported on in corporate media. On the contrary, I had to dig to find out about it and to continue to track it. FDA funding should undergo severe budget cuts until they do their job. Everyone administering this should be required to inform parents that the mumps portion of the vaccine doesn’t meet efficacy standards

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Thats the appellate court ive grown to know! Just read “The Best Defense” Alan Dershowitz, he can open our eyes further to “Cheating Elite”

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