This is well done, thank you. I’m not a scientist, yet if we are to solve any of the issues facing humanity, it is healing our cultures so that we can create healthy outcomes. The profit motive has overcome all. Business has enrolled (captured?) governance to protect this motive at all cost, and externalizing those very heavy costs to people and planet who have zero representation. In a sense we are taxing the unrepresented, which goes against everything America stands for. Daniel Schmactenberger articulates this far better than I ever could.

The profit that organizations focus on so intently is readily available where Interests and abilities intersect. The problem is the sociopaths that inhabit the upper layers of this top down system: how do you account for them? Reason, logic, empathy, compassion, awareness, ethics… none of this figures into their calculus.

When money equals speech, and corporations are treated as people, and you have billions of dollars, how is a voice with a hundred bucks ever to be heard again?

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Sure, no doubt AI can help us solve the mystery of Americans' declining health. (Childhood vaccine schedule, anyone?) Who will be minding the AI inputs?

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Machine learning is not the AI you're thinking of. It's a closed system, a learning algorithm that learns prediction models and executes predictions optimally based on weighted inputs. Directed learning, not unsupervised. And it certainly can't do anything except what is designed to do. Imagine programming your |Roomba to clean room x, then y, then z. It's not to change anything or take over the world. We have a long way to go to make sure people know that ML is not the AI they are thinking of. Thanks.

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Regrettably, none of the great developments you envisage will come to pass, for one basic reason which the article fails to mention. Economies and civilizations don't run on technology, but on energy. All "renewables" depend ultimately on finite fossil fuels. The looming lack of accessible energy and other vital resources means inevitable degrowth or even collapse. Whether a person accepts that or not, physics is indifferent.

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Of course we need energy. But I believe wrt to investment, perhaps as high as 60% should go to technology, 20% to basic research and 20% to clinical research. We'll learn fastest that way... including about energy.

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Energy wouldn't be a problem if ingenious, ethical & moral inventors hadn't been ignored, suppressed, or worse.

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Nov 4
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Tesla is little more than a name to me, but if his concepts had been practical and put to use you can almost guarantee they would have been abused. All species tend to grow until they go into resource and population overshoot followed by population collapse. Past human civilizations seem to have collapsed at least partly because they exhausted their energy sources, until recently wood. Some indigenous cultures appear to have reached a sustainable balance with their environment, but they have been mostly eliminated.

Now we have what resembles a complex global civilization dependent on finite fossil fuels, but appear to be in collective denial of where we are heading. Politicians pay lip service to climate change and an impossible "clean transition", while promising economic growth. Mainstream economists support that narrative, understanding only their economics, not actual science. As you can see, the author of this substack, clearly not lacking intelligence, places the main emphasis on technology, but that will not suffice to fix the polycrisis.

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Nov 5
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I'm afraid that is a challenge that cannot be met. The best we have left is degrowth and humane population reduction (referred to by many as Malthusianism, eugenics, genocide etc.). In practice we're likely going to just keep going until we hit the wall, then ask who is to blame.

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Maybe you mean people like Tesla? I don't know enough to comment on that, but given what we've done to the planet, and how we've allowed our population to grow, with fossil fuels, imagine what we'd do with unlimited energy.

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Tesla is one yes, but there are many others. One place to start learning is:



If you know any awake engineers or inventors, send them links to those pages. If you know any awake physics professors, send them to Miles Mathis' science website.

The problems you envision with unlimited energy is because of the unwise use of technology we've been subjected to in the last couple hundred years.

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Put the sledgehammer on these corrupted neoliberal industrial complexes! Smash them into a million pieces and let them blow away into the 4 winds to be never unearthed again! All satanic scumbags

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Yes, we'll pull the drain and change the processes, for sure.

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Aluminum is being sprayed thru cloud seeding over Canada and US city's. It's absolutely nuts!

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Please collaborate with David Martin. Bring humanity back to humans. 12 senses, not just 5. fullylive.world 12 Senses Workshop

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This is a world wide Scam we are living in today that was started by the United Nations saying the SKY IS FALLING - The sky is not falling and it has all been lies about our normal weather. It is a complex story and hard to believe but there is no climate Crisis !! There was no need for a Carbon tax on nothing.. No need for EVs that are dying on the vine. No need to make CO2 a bad gas that is making the world greener and with out CO2 there is no life on earth... The UN has no science that is real. The UN today is not the UN of 1945 and todays UN is all about power politics and is behind all the lies...and there is no climate crisis. In time we will look back at this period of earths history as the big United Nations SCAM..

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OK, I admit I read no further than Dr Lyons-Weiler's first sentence, which, IMHO, negates everything following.

RFK Jr is a rabid Zionist, totally bent on aiding Israeli Zionists rid the ME of non "Chosenites," meaning nothing less than an attempted holocaust. EXCEPT, the non "Chosenites" are resisting, and this whole eradication operation by the Zionists will, very conceivably, result in a global war, probably nuclear.

But, "RFK's new team will define the next one hundred years of flourishing and thriving in America."

Dream on!

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Sounds good, but . . .

What did we learn from the Human Genome Project? How many billions were spent?

I am also in doubt about the ability of the varous agencies to coordinate their objectives and work.

As long as private profit runs the game, the public's only role is to pay the taxes that pay the agencies and buy the products made by pharma. The agencies will continue to lie to us and pharma will continue to poison us.

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But you've made my exact point. Under Collins, we learned too little. Under a new administration, well, see #RevolutionaryReform. It is nearly impossible to explain how different everything is going to be once the team put into play by Kennedy and others really start to have the desired effects we seek.

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I think you are more hopeful than I am.

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The Innovators Dilemma shows that existing organizations are unable to adapt to new ways, think Kodak into digital cameras for example. Federal agencies (FA) like NIH, EPA, etc are even worse because they are not market driven. Although your idea would be good, I really can't see those agencies changing. Instead almost all FA should be eliminated and rebuilt like small decentralized startups.

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I proposed #PlanB. We have a lot of ideas, Mark. But we can't let the existing organizations go on as they have. They are bleeding us dry. I know bureaucracies. Accountability on action is possible with the right skill set. I have that skill set. They will hate me, and then love me. The Universities are going to benefit massively; insurance companies... not so much.

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Looking forward to Elon Musk streamlining these bloated parasitic agencies. Much of the useful research doesn't even come from this country.

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Our health--particularly for non-millionaires--is inextricably linked to the need of millionaires to exploit it for their own financial health. In a for-profit, privately-owned "healthcare" cartel, which gets a monopoly from the gov't which is funded by our wildly-regressive tax dollars, there's no profit in healthy ppl. If we want everyone to be healthy, actual healthcare has to be 100%, unconditionally funded by THE RICH who are at the same time prohibited from profiting from the situation in any way. Ending poverty would help tremendously as well, as poverty is a huge predictor of illness and violence. Hand everyone a UBI high enough to live comfortably on, regardless of how badly The Job Creators fail at THEIR job, and send all those bureaucrats at NIH, CDC, FDA, EPA, etc. home to find something useful or at least less meddlesome to do w/ their lives w/ that same UBI. When the rich are financially incentivized to find real solutions, those solutions will be found fast, if not sooner.

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Dear Dr James Lyons-Weiler. Just wanted to say thank you. Your Press Conference in 2020 on Pathogenic priming, saved my family from the COVID vaccines. As a research librarian your information helped me research everything I could get my hands on, regarding this vaccine. That led me to Ivermectin. At 66 and my husband 78, we made it through 4 winter’s of death. I now track Covid deaths and injuries. It gives me something to do in Retirement. But I couldn’t pass by an article without telling you, how many people you saved. I have 23 thousand followers that I went on to give your information. You are amazing. Thank you again. Jill Mundt.

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