As we can tell by the no jail time for the 50 billion in fraud fines, big pharma's (I.e., frauds that kill & harm). You best get your immune & God's salvetion system at DEFCON 1! Because in this Godless world, You ain't seen nuthing yet
IMO this is an extremely important article, thank you for posting this. This article has ignited a long discussion between myself and my husband, who has been a virologist/immunologist for 50 yrs and who worked in Public Health Dept of PA for years, advising the public/doctors/govt on how to manage disease. He also worked with a Nobel prize winning scientist (just giving background here for anyone who might want to know). We both think this is a very important question. Neither of us could think of any way to prevent "mad scientists" i.e. psychopaths, from using gain-of-function for evil uses, such as murdering people in entire cities by creating lethal virus/pathogens. We both agreed that until a way can be found to keep this kind of research out of the hands of those who would use it for evil uses, gain-of-function should be illegal, definitely. The danger and likelihood of someone using it for evil purposes is far greater than the virus/pathogen evolving into something more deadly for humanity. President Trump has said that there are over 6,000 patents that have never been released to the public. I'm willing to bet there may be cures that may well give us a reason to not even need gain-of-function research any more, as we may come to look at disease in much different ways and we may be able to overcome disease. Just my 2 cents.
The problem is Nuremberg is a TREATY, it isn't a law in U.S. When governments and employers, also military were mandated to wear masks, they violated Nuremberg Treaty because it's also part of the treaty to not mandate/force ANY medical procedures on people. This was completely ignored by governors, corporations etc. but nothing could be done about it because it was not against our laws. I did research on this and that's what I found. But we have violated Nuremberg Code/Treaty, so there's that.
The other issue is this: how do we determine who mad scientists are until AFTER they have caused enormous harm, murder etc.?
And then we have the, Public transit workers fired due to COVID vaccine mandate to get over $1M each, federal jury decides! Then the Catholic woman awarded $12.7 million in religious discrimination lawsuit over COVID vaccine scam! It looks like only GOD can save you from the mad, evil scientists!
What would happen if you negligently released bullets in the air, killing a few hundred people? Would you just be fined like our 50 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma?
"Cost of doing business" fines are not meaningful.
Not sure how serious your question is, but civil court is constrained by the ability to pay a judgement. Criminal courts do not have the same restriction.
All in all though, it could be that the court of public opinion is the most effective.
Let's hope it doesn't get to the point where Luigi Mangione becomes a martyr and a modern French revolution ensues.
Or, oh my, is that what we are witnessing in real-time?
The main justification for gain-of-function (GoF) research on viruses is to predict potential mutations and develop prophylactic vaccines or treatments in advance. There is no prophylaxis, but that’s how they get away with doing it. The assumption that a pre-made vaccine would stop an outbreak is flawed, especially if the virus mutates beyond what was predicted. These types of injectable products can not stop infections from happening, nor can they stop infections from spreading, as we saw with the covid vaccine. The only prophylaxis is building natural immunity at the epithelial barrier where the invasion will occur.
Madison Avenue can come up with the best sales pitches for our 50 billion in fraud fines big pharma I.e., "One out of 10 Doctors recommend Camiles." "Our beloved Food Pyramid." "Liberty cigarettes for ladies." (That one killed my wife!) There has to be thousands of rushed into production, farudelent tested killer drugs, later pulled off the market! (Is the Coved jab still "Safe and Effictiev."?) Let's wait and see what happens down the road! God only knows!
Hypocrates's Higher/ god based, "first do no harm"/ God's food for medicine first and no abortions, is the exact opposite of our now 50 billion in fraud fines and leader in iatrogenic death "medicine"! I.e., our now, gain of function,"first do harm" "medicine" using 70 toxic, heavy metal-laced jabs, to ensure lots of sick money making kids and adults needing Pharma "medicine! I.e., Godless Satan inspired medicine for Godless dumb-down educated cogs! Satan must be very proud!
Good data to understand what’s going on. Stay healthy. Boost your immune system. These viruses will always be around naturally or lab-related.
As we can tell by the no jail time for the 50 billion in fraud fines, big pharma's (I.e., frauds that kill & harm). You best get your immune & God's salvetion system at DEFCON 1! Because in this Godless world, You ain't seen nuthing yet
IMO this is an extremely important article, thank you for posting this. This article has ignited a long discussion between myself and my husband, who has been a virologist/immunologist for 50 yrs and who worked in Public Health Dept of PA for years, advising the public/doctors/govt on how to manage disease. He also worked with a Nobel prize winning scientist (just giving background here for anyone who might want to know). We both think this is a very important question. Neither of us could think of any way to prevent "mad scientists" i.e. psychopaths, from using gain-of-function for evil uses, such as murdering people in entire cities by creating lethal virus/pathogens. We both agreed that until a way can be found to keep this kind of research out of the hands of those who would use it for evil uses, gain-of-function should be illegal, definitely. The danger and likelihood of someone using it for evil purposes is far greater than the virus/pathogen evolving into something more deadly for humanity. President Trump has said that there are over 6,000 patents that have never been released to the public. I'm willing to bet there may be cures that may well give us a reason to not even need gain-of-function research any more, as we may come to look at disease in much different ways and we may be able to overcome disease. Just my 2 cents.
Mad scientists were outlawed & banned from Gain of Function by the international Nuremberg Treaty! Just as sin was for Adam & Eve!
God save us from the sick evil one's playing god!
The problem is Nuremberg is a TREATY, it isn't a law in U.S. When governments and employers, also military were mandated to wear masks, they violated Nuremberg Treaty because it's also part of the treaty to not mandate/force ANY medical procedures on people. This was completely ignored by governors, corporations etc. but nothing could be done about it because it was not against our laws. I did research on this and that's what I found. But we have violated Nuremberg Code/Treaty, so there's that.
The other issue is this: how do we determine who mad scientists are until AFTER they have caused enormous harm, murder etc.?
And then we have the, Public transit workers fired due to COVID vaccine mandate to get over $1M each, federal jury decides! Then the Catholic woman awarded $12.7 million in religious discrimination lawsuit over COVID vaccine scam! It looks like only GOD can save you from the mad, evil scientists!
Wow. Thanks for the info. This seems as dangerous as nuclear weapons development.
While gain of function work has been discouraged, it has not been eliminated.
Stiff penalties might help, both for the individuals and companies doing it as well as the nations and "donors" supporting it.
There will be no real change in anything unless real negative consequences are felt.
What would happen if you negligently released bullets in the air, killing a few hundred people? Would you just be fined like our 50 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma?
Inquiring minds want to know!
"Cost of doing business" fines are not meaningful.
Not sure how serious your question is, but civil court is constrained by the ability to pay a judgement. Criminal courts do not have the same restriction.
All in all though, it could be that the court of public opinion is the most effective.
Let's hope it doesn't get to the point where Luigi Mangione becomes a martyr and a modern French revolution ensues.
Or, oh my, is that what we are witnessing in real-time?
The main justification for gain-of-function (GoF) research on viruses is to predict potential mutations and develop prophylactic vaccines or treatments in advance. There is no prophylaxis, but that’s how they get away with doing it. The assumption that a pre-made vaccine would stop an outbreak is flawed, especially if the virus mutates beyond what was predicted. These types of injectable products can not stop infections from happening, nor can they stop infections from spreading, as we saw with the covid vaccine. The only prophylaxis is building natural immunity at the epithelial barrier where the invasion will occur.
Madison Avenue can come up with the best sales pitches for our 50 billion in fraud fines big pharma I.e., "One out of 10 Doctors recommend Camiles." "Our beloved Food Pyramid." "Liberty cigarettes for ladies." (That one killed my wife!) There has to be thousands of rushed into production, farudelent tested killer drugs, later pulled off the market! (Is the Coved jab still "Safe and Effictiev."?) Let's wait and see what happens down the road! God only knows!
(No 50 billion in fraud fines for him!)
Hypocrates's Higher/ god based, "first do no harm"/ God's food for medicine first and no abortions, is the exact opposite of our now 50 billion in fraud fines and leader in iatrogenic death "medicine"! I.e., our now, gain of function,"first do harm" "medicine" using 70 toxic, heavy metal-laced jabs, to ensure lots of sick money making kids and adults needing Pharma "medicine! I.e., Godless Satan inspired medicine for Godless dumb-down educated cogs! Satan must be very proud!
Altogether, making an intentionally more dangerous world.