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Apr 12, 2022Edited
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I looked at the article you referenced above. Could have significant effect on heart as well? https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/adenylate-cyclase

What is EM?

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Is there any safe dose of injected metals into infants or adults? Andrew Moulden (presearch.org him) says no.

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"Safe" for WHO? Big Pharma's bottom line? Or Satan's Chaos & NWO plans?

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Excellent video. 👍🏽 A great one for a showing how important study methodologies are to determine vaccine safety, and safe levels of adjuvants. I worked in healthcare and had been self-employed until 2019, the last year of my career, I was employed by a company that I had worked as a independent contractor with for 18 years. There was high pressure to get a flu vaccine, and to decline you had to go through an "educational course" and sign a document that went into your file. I don't think they were used to someone with a professional degree declining the flu vaccine. I pointed out all the fallacies in their "course" for which they took sentences off the CDC website, without looking at any of the studies there. It was appalling. I left when the covid vaccine was mandated, and soon after the flu vaccine was mandated as well.

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You should know, there is no Coved 19 vaccine! Only experimental r-RNA therapy, [disapproved by the inventor] sold as a misnamed vaccine! But if you can call a Boy a Girl in Satan's chaos & fear inspired world, [that's disapproved by God] go for it!

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It really is impressive how you guys are educating people this way. This is needed.

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50% of boys born at my son's gestational age and weight are diagnosed with severe autism. It's the TPN and vaccines given when they weigh only 3 lbs. Yes, they give Hep B at 3 lbs at his hospital and the "2 month vaccines" at 4 lbs when they aren't even due yet despite using adjusted age for EVERYTHING else.

My son is vaccine-free and not autistic. I am grateful the Lord promoted me to research vaccines when I had my first. He could have a very different life. He's got the MTHFR mutation as well. Many auto-immune diseases in my family. I developed vitiligo within weeks of my MMR booster at age 11 (this is when CDC said we needed two doses).

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There's no aluminum in the MMR. I'll have to look and see if I got others that day.

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The implications of your presentation and the "catching up" recommendations are very disturbing, especially on top of all the other vax promotions/mandates. Thank you for your work.

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I begged my daughter to wait to vaccinate her 5lb infant and the dr told her they would space them out. Hep B in first month then two more. He gained no weight in first 6 months, 1 lb in second six months and is autistic and small for a 6 year old with poor attention span as he stays in constant motion.

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