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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

FDA insanity ?

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This is the worst tragedy ever written or conceived by mortal man

(Jeremiah 17:5)

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Will antibodies that target two different strains “pile on” the virus spike protein and actually “enhance” the spectrum of protection or is binding mutually exclusive?

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How can we know that modelling is highly accurate? How can we know it is impressive when we don't know where the molecules have come from or that the entity exists anywhere other than in a computer model? Or that it causes illness? Or that these symptoms called 'covid' aren't something that we want to happen, to detoxify our bodies? https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/x-ray-crystallography-and-3d-computer


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To be correct from our viewpoint, shouldn't the cartoon character be *masked*?

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

This reminds me of the FAA and Boeing with regards to the 737-MAX. Boeing updated the 737 and added the MCAS to “automatically” account for the newer turbines, told the FAA that pilots didn’t need to be recertified, and then had two fatal crashes within weeks.

I fully expect the same scenario to play out here. Our watchdog agencies are abdicating their responsibilities at the most critical points, and are choosing to focus on smaller issues.

This is sad.

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Could it be that all this current insanity is "merely" a panic-inspired doubling-down of the original scenario, since backing off would quickly degenerate into entire governments, health services et al. becoming guilty parties in genocide, crimes against humanity, with an ensuing Nuremberg-2? The perps have no choice - continue on as if it were all justified or put their heads directly on the chopping block. Just as Nuremberg-1 perps presented the discredited justifications of "it was lawful", "following orders"...

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.....REMAIN convinced there WILL be COMPARATIVELY-satisfying resolution - JUSTICE, before LONG - but, NOT happy about what may FOLLOW still....

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There is no evidence that p180-200 observed in cell cultures since the 90's and dubbed the spike protein, comes from a disease causing particle or that it represents the small dots around spherical particles seen in EM images



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Jul 1, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Thanks for covering this James. I've personally been able to see through this seemingly perpetual fog of nonsense a bit better through Mattias Desmet's book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism.

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I understand evil. Narcissism means it’s all about me.

But even saying that you want to control the human population, get rid of some people, ect…..

Are the people doing these insane regulatory Covid vaccination mandated actions unable to see they will be affected themselves at some point?

Or are they deluded to such an extreme degree, kinda like a religious fervor, but for the myth that these shots are lifesavers?

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Seems like fda is full steam ahead for the annual shot. I think it was the April meeting this was spoken about.

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Dr. VanderBossche (sp?) has been warning of this from the outset. It seems the Pharma fascists have garnered more control than ever before. I think we can expect this trajectory to continue, why not, they have not yet encountered a force strong enough to impede their course.

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what is our next step? Action , not verbiage

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Has the Food and Drug Administration ever been legit looking out for We The People? I mean, if the agency started out legit, when did they start shilling for Pharma? And why do We The People allow this? Did Congress just relinquish their legislative powers and bestow those powers of legislation on the FDA?? (CDC, NIAID, HHS, EPA, DoEd, and every other agency made up of unelected bureaucratic "experts"). Am I a complete ignoramus for thinking these agency's only authority was to offer "guidelines" to be approved (or not) by Congress??

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