Hey, why am I having difficulty forwarding this fantastic article using the share button at the bottom of my iPhone?

Is there a nefarious attempt to block this information from spreading like a virus?

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

I questioned vaccines long ago....after my son was harmed by the MMR jab. I’ve long thought that most doctors are prescription writing automatons and nothing more. A good doctor is rare!!

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Yep. I haven’t had a flu shot in at least 25 years, and I haven’t had the *flu* in at least 25 years. Would anyone think that’s a coincidence?

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I was talked into getting my only flu shot by a friend five years ago and within weeks had the flu... Before that I have not had the flu in decades! I am questioning all vaccines forever more! 

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Yes! All these vaccines ultimate dis-regulate your innate, natural immune system that evolved over millions of years to have the checks and balances that it naturally has.

What’s more, I haven’t taken ANY prescription or over-the-counter drugs in more than 25 years. No painkillers, NyQuil, aspirin - nothing. And I *don’t* get sick! I get a mild cold every six years or so, that’s all. Get this, I haven’t had a *headache* in 25 years!

What do you say to that, Big Pharma?

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You are ahead of your time! Good for you!

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I follow her. Posted.

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Yep. They illuminated the farce of the vaccine schedule themselves.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler


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Oct 26, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler


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Oct 26, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Done! And she responded with a follow and a thank you ❤️

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No, because vaccines were tested, checked, proven, there was trustworthy surveillance and accessible data (e.g. on VAERS) which safeguarded peace of mind. This time these are no vaccines, the substances work poorly if ever and have a catastrophic risk-benefit ratio which is also mirrored by reports on SAEs (e.g. by VAERS). So please don´t call it a vaccine and dont compare it with any aspect referring to vaccines either.

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Please see Dr. Rose's analysis, and my accompanying Editorial.


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Tweeted/ replied each of the research links to her

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My friend just told me she was in bed all day yesterday after getting the flu and covid shot the day before.

She said “they” say it’t because she has such good antibodies. 🙄

Anyone want to comment?

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and the flu is MIA.....completely gone!

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I am happy to either screenshot or post those citations to twitter for you. (I'm @liberty_oh.)

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I hope she isn’t getting other responses and other research beyond what you are able to provide of your own, Dr.! I started questioning vaccines in the mid-2000s when I was recommended HPV even though I was married and only had one partner. Found out about the horrible adverse events for some people many years later, prior to covid. 

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(is*) not isn’t!

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I have been following her for years and I remember when she made a statement in support of vaccines after there was an "outbreak" at a Disney park. She has come a long way. I have seen Dr Pierre Kory and Dr McCullough bought mention they are reviewing all vaccines, with McCullough mentioning on a recent podcast that the flu shot this year is AT BEST has 0 efficacy.

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