216 million Americans have had a 3rd dose?! 😳I was able to convince my husband not to take the third because it would be like taking the flu shot from 3 years ago. I can’t believe there were that many that couldn’t see that basic logic.

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While I don’t like the bio weapon that is sars coV2, I like even less the bio weapons that are these cursed jabs.

Still less the agencies that foisted these campaigns on an unsuspecting public.

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Which is why I have been living by the motto, “Health isn’t injected through a syringe” and keep me and my family as far away from liability free ‘safe and effective’ jabs for better health. Once I stopped poisoning my body after Cecilia’s injury nearly ten years ago my health has improved. Sick less often, reduced allergies and quicker recoveries from infections.

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Even though he makes sense in a lot of his videos he still supports giving the shots as he says in this video doses 1 & 2 makes sense - to him. He must be reading something different than most of us. It was shown that the shot never produced 95% efficacy because Pfizer used the manipulate calculation of Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) rather than Absolute Risk Reduction. (ARR).


Dr. Peter Dorcey, BMJ article reveals that the shots should have never been given EUA or even approved for anything because within a specific time frame it fell below the FDA’s expectation of “at least 50%” efficacy for any approvable vaccine.



Look at how the country was CONNED on this.


I am amazed that Vinay continues to support the shot overall. He probably hasn't read all the concerning information and frankly I don't think he wants to because there is that trust issue with scientist/doctors. As the saying goes you won't find what you aren't looking for.

Look at how they sold this to the world:


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Another reason NOT to go LOL. I cannot believe all the fools that would still go but I know 2. Sad enough, all my reasoning falls into deaf ears, I gave up several months ago, the are Jim Jones followers and will drink the poison until they die.

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Does this account for the record rise in traffic accident deaths likely caused by vaxx-induced heart attacks, strokes, and other medical crises suffered while driving?


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Are you sure it’s not 216 million doses? I didn’t think 216 million Americans had had even one dose much less two or three. There are approx 333 million Americans and approx 73 million of those are under 18. I do not know the numbers under 12 y.o. but if truly 216 total million, that’s a large percentage especially of the adult population. I ask again, are you sure that’s not “doses”?

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The guy in the fourth dose video is still lost in the weeds, and behind the curve. Improving the FDA? Randomized controlled trials? Maybe boosters ok for some older folks? Nope.

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Cancer screens - can't do those at home so must drive to hospital, yes? Thereby contributing to accident and deaths.

Covid and jabs are bad enough as is, no need to resort to this.

'Course, cancer screens are actually useful.

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