The great obstacle to getting any resolution and justice towards this catastrophe comes down to the hubris and pride of so many who were involved. This includes those who pushed the agenda, or lied about it, or shamed the ones who refused to accept it; And of course almost everyone that rolled up their arm and accepted one or more doses of the shot. Let’s face it, most people have a hard time accepting it when they’ve been duped. You could present volumes of documentation leaving no doubt that we were fooled into taking a bio weapon, and the first thing that will flash in their heads would be “that’s just nonsense - no none would ever do that to so many people at one time.”
“none of this should comes as a surprise” yeppy do! The next shoe to drop how many injured from shedding-real thing no longer “CT”. AND, the “spike protein disease” from Covid19 itself which is looking suspiciously slow killing-and at minimum injuring (vaxxed and UNvaxxed) years out - for plausible deniability. Lots to unpack (intentional/planned) and years of all these evil, evil men and women that should no longer be allowed to share the same air with the human race.
kidney damage is another they didn't look for. We've known for more than 100 years, since 1919, that repeatedly injecting a foreign protein will cause kidney failure. The covid shots cause your own body to repeatedly produce a foreign protein (spike has been detected two years after the shot), so kidney and liver damager are occurring
We don't know the adverse events from using most drugs because they are never studied beyond a few months. Interactive drug usage would need to be studied for at least a decade and big pharma will never go for that. I trust no drugs in the longer term and for me that is about a week or two.
I’d have loved to see these increases expressed in terms of absolute increase in health issues instead of relative values, as it’s hard to tell whether we’re talking about trebling the risk of something extremely rare, such that the benefits in terms of reduced incidence of COVID dwarf the costs.
This has been debunked as well. Cleveland clinic 50K employees, more boosters = more covid illness and more longer longer covid. This was also warned about in 21, and known for many years with all trials for cold virus vaccines in past which all failed miserably. As a provider who treats vaccine injuries almost daily, and treats myriad dozens of repeated illnesses in them, the risks are innumerable and devastating.
I get it, I really do - Scientists create a viral disease and want to know how efficient it is in injuring and killing people and then in 2019 the Military give them the opportunity to try it out and see - this from Christine.257's substack which I copied, lost and found again recently, so all credit to her:
The United States Army is spending millions upon millions of your tax dollars on a variety of weapons including nanotechnology and quantum mechanics, which just so happens to be a key component of Big Pharma’s latest “vaccines.”
Basically, the U.S. government is representing to the public that this is a response to a health event. But in fact, what they are doing is a military operation. These so-called vaccines aren’t really vaccines, but have been manufactured under defense contracts, utilizing the Defense Production Act, other transaction authority, and emergency use authorization under a public health emergency. When these things are used together, then good manufacturing practices don’t apply to these products at all.
In giving themselves godlike abilities, the technocratic elites are moving towards a transhumanist future powered by their own intelligent design that could give them the divine authority to rewrite human rights as we know them.
Through gene editing, synthetic biology, and the merger of humans and technology, governments and corporations are fundamentally altering what it means to be human.
In a future where humans are no longer considered to be natural humans, what would that mean for human rights?
Hundreds of millions of people have now been subjected to a “prototype” project by the Department of Defense under its Other Transactional Authority - more like 7.5 billion so far
Moderna was part of the planning and implementation of covid-19, gain-of-function experimentation, and vaccine profiteering. Here are the patents:
US9149506B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding septin-4 – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.
Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles
US9216205B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding granulysin – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.
US9255129B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding SIAH E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.
US9301993B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding apoptosis inducing factor 1 – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.
US9587003B2: Modified polynucleotides for the production of oncology-related proteins and peptides – 2016-02-04 Application filed by ModernaTx Inc.
Inventor: Stephane Bancel, Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles, Sayda M. Elbashir, Matthias John, Atanu Roy, Susan Whoriskey, Kristy M. Wood, Paul Hatala, Jason P. Schrum, Kenechi Ejebe, Jeff Lynn Ellsworth, Justin Guild
Learn more about this bombshell SARS-CoV-2 laboratory origin evidence at The Expose.
ModernaGate: Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG By The Exposé on April 30, 2023
In America, by Trump and his "Operation Warp Speed", in Europe by "The World Health Organization" and in England, Australia and New Zealand by AUKUS - all at the same time.
April 2024 - right?
Sounds like confirmation of suspicion by millions of US who didn't fail the Global IQ Test.
The great obstacle to getting any resolution and justice towards this catastrophe comes down to the hubris and pride of so many who were involved. This includes those who pushed the agenda, or lied about it, or shamed the ones who refused to accept it; And of course almost everyone that rolled up their arm and accepted one or more doses of the shot. Let’s face it, most people have a hard time accepting it when they’ve been duped. You could present volumes of documentation leaving no doubt that we were fooled into taking a bio weapon, and the first thing that will flash in their heads would be “that’s just nonsense - no none would ever do that to so many people at one time.”
“none of this should comes as a surprise” yeppy do! The next shoe to drop how many injured from shedding-real thing no longer “CT”. AND, the “spike protein disease” from Covid19 itself which is looking suspiciously slow killing-and at minimum injuring (vaxxed and UNvaxxed) years out - for plausible deniability. Lots to unpack (intentional/planned) and years of all these evil, evil men and women that should no longer be allowed to share the same air with the human race.
kidney damage is another they didn't look for. We've known for more than 100 years, since 1919, that repeatedly injecting a foreign protein will cause kidney failure. The covid shots cause your own body to repeatedly produce a foreign protein (spike has been detected two years after the shot), so kidney and liver damager are occurring
We don't know the adverse events from using most drugs because they are never studied beyond a few months. Interactive drug usage would need to be studied for at least a decade and big pharma will never go for that. I trust no drugs in the longer term and for me that is about a week or two.
"science-like activities" -- Ah, what a fine phrase!
I’d have loved to see these increases expressed in terms of absolute increase in health issues instead of relative values, as it’s hard to tell whether we’re talking about trebling the risk of something extremely rare, such that the benefits in terms of reduced incidence of COVID dwarf the costs.
This has been debunked as well. Cleveland clinic 50K employees, more boosters = more covid illness and more longer longer covid. This was also warned about in 21, and known for many years with all trials for cold virus vaccines in past which all failed miserably. As a provider who treats vaccine injuries almost daily, and treats myriad dozens of repeated illnesses in them, the risks are innumerable and devastating.
….. and the ACOG still wants pregnant women jabbed…. And they are still on the market.🤬
I get it, I really do - Scientists create a viral disease and want to know how efficient it is in injuring and killing people and then in 2019 the Military give them the opportunity to try it out and see - this from Christine.257's substack which I copied, lost and found again recently, so all credit to her:
The United States Army is spending millions upon millions of your tax dollars on a variety of weapons including nanotechnology and quantum mechanics, which just so happens to be a key component of Big Pharma’s latest “vaccines.”
Basically, the U.S. government is representing to the public that this is a response to a health event. But in fact, what they are doing is a military operation. These so-called vaccines aren’t really vaccines, but have been manufactured under defense contracts, utilizing the Defense Production Act, other transaction authority, and emergency use authorization under a public health emergency. When these things are used together, then good manufacturing practices don’t apply to these products at all.
In giving themselves godlike abilities, the technocratic elites are moving towards a transhumanist future powered by their own intelligent design that could give them the divine authority to rewrite human rights as we know them.
Through gene editing, synthetic biology, and the merger of humans and technology, governments and corporations are fundamentally altering what it means to be human.
In a future where humans are no longer considered to be natural humans, what would that mean for human rights?
Hundreds of millions of people have now been subjected to a “prototype” project by the Department of Defense under its Other Transactional Authority - more like 7.5 billion so far
Moderna was part of the planning and implementation of covid-19, gain-of-function experimentation, and vaccine profiteering. Here are the patents:
US9149506B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding septin-4 – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.
Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles
US9216205B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding granulysin – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.
US9255129B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding SIAH E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.
US9301993B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding apoptosis inducing factor 1 – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.
US9587003B2: Modified polynucleotides for the production of oncology-related proteins and peptides – 2016-02-04 Application filed by ModernaTx Inc.
Inventor: Stephane Bancel, Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles, Sayda M. Elbashir, Matthias John, Atanu Roy, Susan Whoriskey, Kristy M. Wood, Paul Hatala, Jason P. Schrum, Kenechi Ejebe, Jeff Lynn Ellsworth, Justin Guild
Learn more about this bombshell SARS-CoV-2 laboratory origin evidence at The Expose.
ModernaGate: Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG By The Exposé on April 30, 2023
Moderna's Covid-19 virus #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG may evade vaccines or the protection of natural immunity. CDC
Bill Gates gets $7.5B donation from American taxpayers during pandemic
With a net worth of $126 billion, Gates doesn’t fit the profile of a middle-class folk.
(Plus the 400 Million he got when he sold his purchase price 50 million Pfizer shares)
Event 201: Peruvian Court Names Bill Gates, Rockefeller & Soros as Criminal Elite Responsible for Covid-19 By Derek Knauss October 29, 2022
Bill Gates owns patent that grants him “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body
12/12/2022 / By Ethan Huff
Maybe Musk should claw back the 7.5B Bill Got from Biden, what for, payment for releasing Covid-19 on us all?
In America, by Trump and his "Operation Warp Speed", in Europe by "The World Health Organization" and in England, Australia and New Zealand by AUKUS - all at the same time.