VR23 Is Coming! Register Today!
C0VlD was just the tip of the iceberg. They're not done yet - and neither are we.
An amazing new documentary from our friends at Revealed Films - you do not want to miss it…
Featuring: Sarah Bridges, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Gary Goldman, Brian Hooker, and more (Find their Ebook links below, after you sign up!)
We need to prepare for the dangers that could come next.
The Pandemic is over, so now there’s nothing to worry about…
We can all go back to our normal lives…
We can trust that nothing like this will happen again…
And we can have faith that when needed…
The health system in our country has got our backs…
And we are all 100% safe from threats to society and our well-being.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news…
But unfortunately…
This is NOT reality.
But you already knew that.
You already knew after the mRNA disgrace that things are not FINE.
If C0VlD taught us anything it’s this…
The people we trusted with our health do not have our best interests in mind.
In fact…
They’re capable of making dangerously consequential decisions for society…
All for the benefit of their own wallets.
But if you look at the history of v@cc!nes…
This is not the first time this has happened.
Pharmaceutical companies have been making risky moves for decades.
Leading to horrific vax injuries…
Detrimental side effects to children…
And essentially selling a bunch of lies.
There are more dirty secrets the v@cc!ne industry doesn’t want you to know.
They’ve tried to hide it from you.
But help is at hand…
Our trusted advisors at Revealed Films are bringing together the world's leading medical experts to reveal the deadly dangers of v@cc!nes that have been there all along.
v@cc!nes Revealed.
This exclusive documentary series is about to be unveiled for FREE.
You get one new episode every day for 9 days, with a full 24 hours to see each episode.
Join them in sharing this important worldwide free event!
You’ll discover the most cutting-edge news and just-released evidence — from over twenty of the world’s top authorities and experts.
Watch this exclusive release in its entirety…
Just enter your email for free access here.
This Information Is Getting Censored…
So Get Access to It Before It’s Gone Forever.
Episode 1 Launch: Feb 14th!
Sarah Bridges (SON'S VAX INJURY) eBook
Dr. Andrew Wakefield (MMR VAX) eBook
I wish I could be there to see them all hang from a tree.
I am mot techno savvy, so I don’t understand why what seems obvious to me is not done. If the movies and posts packed with truth and power that need to be circulated are in possession in solid form (what ever that means in techno terms) why do we worry about it being taken down and “lost”. Why not repost it and keep reposting it if necessary?, except that there is such a plethora of new material in never ending stream flooding our platforms. ....for which I am grateful!