The Next Pandemic Will Come from Vietnam, Laos, or Myanmar: A Tale of Spies and Viruses
My crystal ball tells me that EcoHealth Alliance is about to find an emerging virus with a robust record of a "reservoir species". The question is... how long before they announce it?
After NIH announced that they would no longer be funding EcoHealth Alliance, they doubled down last month in total have now funded the suspicious organization with a total of FIVE CURRENT grants. Daszak, the PI on most of the grants, has been fingered by an Ecohealth Alliance Whistleblower - get this - as a potential double agent working for China while posing as an agent for the CIA. Keep reading.
Here is the grant that has the best chance of yielding a new outbreak from one of the countries mentioned:
According to ERA Commons, a section of the government’s web that we scientists go to do things like search for funded research, there are FOUR new or renewing grants:
Org Name
NIH Full Grant Number PI Name Issue Date E-Mailed New/Rev
5U01AI151797-02 DASZAK, PETER 02/02/2022 N REV
5U01AI151797-03 DASZAK, PETER 09/22/2022 N NEW
1R01AI163118-01A1 DASZAK, PETER 09/22/2022 N NEW
2R01AI110964-06 DASZAK, PETER 09/28/2022 N REV
5U01AI153420-02 EPSTEIN, JONATHAN 02/02/2022 N REV
5U01AI153420-03 EPSTEIN, JONATHAN 09/22/2022 N NEW
This is stunning, given that in a technology-for-lab-access deal, NIH and EcoHealth colluded to evade research restrictions. Will they “discover” a reservoir species for SARS-CoV-2? Will they inject a bat with a lab-derived virus with just the sequence to exonerate Wuhan? (Remember, we have HKU-3-3, the most likely ancestral or near ancestral viral sequence from long, long ago that no one seems to want to know about (IPAK Research).
Enter Dr. Huff
But there’s a lot more to this than research. Earlier this year, a Whistleblower came forward - one Dr. Andrew G. Huff, a former executive of EcoHealth Alliance - and blew the lid on the collusion as a potential completely unscientific mess involving the US CIA. (See his letter here).
First, the tech-for-lab access connection was a claim from Dr. Huff on Twitter. It makes a lot of sense; the US had placed a moratorium on gain-of-function research, leaving NIH (NIAID in particular) with nowhere to (legally) do the types of research they thought necessary to understand (stupidly) how deadly Coronaviruses could be made. (We’ll just ignore the research that continued at Ralph Baric’s lab @ UNC for now):

According to UncoverDC,
“Huff is involved in litigation over the origin of COVID-19, and he is currently writing a book. Notably, Huff is not the only one in a legal battle over the origins of COVID-19. Huff retweeted Gary Ruskin of U.S. Right To Know, who says he filed a lawsuit on Jan. 14 against the United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency (USTRA). It is the “ninth FOIA lawsuit regarding the origins of COVID-19 and the risks of Biolabs where pathogens of pandemic potential are stored and manipulated.” The organization has filed “four lawsuits against federal agencies for violating provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).”
Huff attended a 2 p.m. private meeting with the staff of the Senate Intel Committee to begin the process of exposing government corruption in research related to the SARS-COV2 virus, otherwise known as COVID-19. Huff has in his possession many documents he has not yet released.”
I can’t verify the 2p.m. private meeting with the Staff of the Senate Intel Committee. But I can remind readers that during 2014, I was invited to a secret White House conference call on Ebola, hosted by the Ebola Czar Ron Klain. Scientists with information can be tapped by government agencies and branches of the government to either receive information or to be pressed to shut the fuck up.
For me, in 2014, it was the latter.
Here’s Huff’s Feb 8th letter to Senator Wicker in full (ignore the typos, especially the lack of hyphens; they are SIC):
To Honorable Roger F. Wicker
Ranking Member
Whistleblower Committee
United States Senate
555 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Dear Senator Wicker,
My Name is Dr. Andrew Huff. I was the Vice President of Data and Technology at EcoHealth Alliance. I was the executive in charge of data analysis and technology development related to emerging infectious diseases across a large portfolio of government funded contracts. This work was funded by a wide variety of agencies: DoD, DTRA, IARPA, USAID (CIA), NIH, USDA, and many other governmental and non-governmental sponsors (Welcome Trust, Smithsonian, Google). I was also the country coordinator for the PREDICT Program (Jordan, Sudan) where we were searching for novel corona viruses globally, was a senior member of the modeling and analytics team, and served as an advisor to the United Nations.
I participated in all executive leadership meetings. In these meetings we discussed: organizational strategy, program development, program management, finance, budgeting, personnel, and all other aspects of the operation and management at EcoHealth Alliance. I also consulted on numerous projects as a PhD level emerging infectious disease scientist and epidemiologist across numerous projects at the organization. I also reviewed many of the proposals generated by the organization.
Whistle Blower Complaints were sent to:
In late October 2021, I came forward as a material witness and whistle blower related to numerous unethical and criminal behaviors that took place at EcoHealth Alliance, the organization that established the relationship with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and funded the development of SARS-COV2, more commonly known as COVID-19.
EcoHealth Alliance engaged in fraud against the US government (Timecard fraud, and contract reimbursement fraud). After I identified and learned about these serious issues, I brought them to the attention of Dr. Peter Daszak, Dr. Aleksei Chamura, and CFO Harvey Kasdan. After raising these issues at the meeting, Harvey Kasdan went home from work, had a heart attack, and died.
Dr. Peter Daszak disclosed to me in late 2015 and early 2016 that he was working with the CIA. I also have documents in my possession, and which have been posted to Twitter and shared with several journalists that prove EcoHealth Alliance was working with the intelligence community. These documents include the InQTel pitch deck authored and presented by Dr. Daszak, and the IARPA report that I wrote.
The executive team openly discussed the gain of function work and research in China where I was opposed to it for numerous obvious reasons (mainly training the CCP in bioweapons and intellectual property theft).
EcoHealth Alliance, and foreign laboratories, did not have the adequate control measures in place for ensuring proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management in place, ultimately resulting in the lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In fact, I raised these concerns at an executive project planning meeting, where Dr. Daszak quickly dismissed my concerns. This information is also validated by cables between the US Consulate in China and the State Department. Although, this is not limited to China.
EcoHealth Alliance was working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and gain of function work with Dr. Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina before NIH NIAID and Dr. Anthony Fauci funded the work there. I have released the documents that prove this claim on Twitter and to the press.
EcoHealth Alliance, as do most of the best scientists in the world, work before of receipt of the funding to complete the work. This is commonplace throughout academia, and this is how the best scientists collect the necessary “preliminary data” to obtain funding on highly competitive grants. Often, the first year of work is mostly or completely completed, before the funding is awarded. At EcoHealth Alliance we always worked ahead of the work. This is an important fact because the DEFUSE grant proposal sent to DARPA by EcoHealth Alliance specifically describes the gain of function work that would lead to an accidental or intentional release of SARS-COV2, by the Chinese, beginning in September of 2019. Suggesting, that there is a high likelihood that the work in the DARPA DEFUSE proposal written and submitted by EcoHealth Alliance was well underway before an award determination by DARPA was made.
Dr. Peter Daszak could be a double agent working on behalf of the Chinese government. This is based on my observations of his behavior and the nature of statements related to working with the Chinese (did not see risks, concerns, or other obvious problems) related to conducting gain of function work or other high risk laboratory work, in China. Which is completely absurd given what a CEO’s duties and responsibilities are to the board of directors, the company, and its employees.
I look forward to testifying under oath to these unfortunate factual statements and I am at your service.
Sincerely, Andrew Huff, PhD, MS
It will be interesting to see what Dr. Huff has to say in the following weeks.
Great post, thanks. If these details don't curl your hair I'm not sure what would. The type of situation reigning in my imagination since way before March 2020. We knew the agenda of these people has been a very personal and professional attempt to commit genocide. We know some of the extent of research in the US (NC), the Ukraine and China. No wonder there is a rather hot market in biotechnology equipped lab spaces. Fundamentally insane.
Says here that our government and our military is all in on unlocking the human genome and using a biomedical security model to create a submissive slave planet.
They will just keep creating "emergencies" in order to do so.
And using the threadbare veneer of "public health".