The Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back - Sat March 4
Mercola, Seneff, Corbett, Honeycutt & More - Hosted by Meryl Nass, M.D.
The Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back | Childrens Health Defense IS THE LINK TO WATCH ON SATURDAY
And below is the promo video on Twitter

DON’T MISS IT! The Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back: SAT. 3/4 @ 12pm EST
Expert panelists will discuss emerging threats to our planet + our food systems. Learn how to grow your own, create community + become self-reliant! #CHDTV
The elite like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros WANT TO REDUCE THE WORLD POPULATION!!!!!!!
Bill Gates the former computer nerd turned vaccine pusher (not a degree), turned largest farmland owner in America that wants us the eat bugs said (and you can look this up) at a Ted Talk on lowering co2 “if we do a really good job on vaccines, reproductive services (abortion) we can lower that (world population) by 10-15 %.
They believe co2 is causing climate change when THEY are the ones CAUSING the climate change!!! Don’t believe me? Watch this documentary on geoengineering!!! It is VERY real!!!
It’s WAY past time to wake up folks but the more people that do wake up to this evil agenda against the people THEN we can do something about it.
The ELITE WANT YOU DEAD!!!!! Period!!!!
Perhaps IPAK can offer a class to help people prepare.