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Study Finds Common Herbicides are Placing Our Childrens' Mental Wellness at Risk. A Call to Action.
Study Finds Common Herbicides are Placing Our Childrens' Mental Wellness at Risk. A Call to Action.
Please subscribe to Environmental Toxins: Our Fight Against Poisons
Oct 12, 2023
You rock, James. This should have a million likes.
Wow, I can’t wait to dig into this. Just met in my home yesterday with the local WAPF leader and several other concerned citizens about the Boulder County Weed Management program. It’s been ongoing the last 20 years unabated and is up for a review this year after two decades. We recently learned they’ve been doing aerial spraying of Open Space with toxic stuff in addition to all their ground spraying of parks + more. A dozen or so of us were down testifying at the Boulder Commissioner meeting last week.
We can use this as a written campaign to everyone voting on Weed Mgmt Program at any stage, possibly more broadly. I wonder if there is someone we can offer up as an expert to meet with them -- whether or not they do, they’ll have to pay attention to the study. Typically they fail to involve people outside government and industry, and ‘community discussion’ is minimized and gnored.