Spike Protein Factories Are Creating Pathogenic Spike Proteins
Some call them vaccinated. Their bodies are spike protein factories. And the spike protein is pathogenic.
From Dr. JohnB on Twitter:

The #COVIDVaccination dramatically increases endothelial inflammatory markers & acute coronary syndrome risk as measured by the PULS cardiac test. Study of 566 subjects. Conference abstract:
(2/2) "... these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose ..."
So, for 2.5 months the immune system is busy fighting the vaccine spike protein.
What do you think will happen if a vaccinated person is then infected with a now much different SARS-CoV-2 virus?
Remember how efficacy has tanked (it’s below 50% for all three now)?
Remember how Gibraltar has 140% vaccine coverage, and has had to cancel Christmas, and Africa has 6% vaccine coverage, and no one can find a COVID-19 case?
The madness must end NOW.
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There's a reason they required indemnification. Nobody does so without a reason. Lawyers and their work cost real money.
Why is this not getting top billing in World Newspapers ? ARe we that far into totalitariansim>