Special Science Webinar @ IPAK-EDU: Teleology and Human Purpose in the Age of AI and Biotech
Building on The Perils of Coding Humans...
Subscribe now, and you'll receive all past webinar links as well.
The IPAK-EDU Director's Science Webinar is hosted weekly by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler and Don Najita.
Monday 1/6 @ 7:00pm Eastern
Victoria Alexander
Teleology and Human Purpose in the Age of AI and Biotech
We host a different speaker on an important topic in Science each week!
From a participant: "Being a member of IPAK is worth EVERY PENNY! love your mission. I am learning a ton!"
If you already subscribe, watch for the email from Don!
With your subscription, you also get access to all of the past IPAK-EDU Science Webinars since January 2023!
If you can't make it tonight, the video will be available for registrants following the webinar.
See you there, I hope! Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, PhD
Weekly Monday Evening Science Webinars 7pm ET on a rich variety of topics, live w/Q&A
Monthly subscription or one-time purchase.
Subscribers will also receive access to all IPAK-EDU Science Webinars from the past 24 months!
Hmm, looks interesting. Thanks : )