Phil Harper Reminds Us: Pfizer's Eventual Transmission Reduction Data Were Fraudulent
I was going to write this very article, but Phil Harper beat me to it. Well done, Phil.
I interviewed Brook Jackson (the Whistleblower) but the BMJ video is sufficient.
This was my very first thought.
"That's not how we do trials. We test for transmission AFTER the roll-out" should have been immediately followed by reference to that data.
Also, "That's not how we do trials. We test for transmission AFTER the roll-out" should have been immediately followed by a collective "Wait! What?" from the public.
If they're lying to you in this case, what makes you think they were telling the truth in any of the previous cases?
I hope that chips away even more at the reputations of government agencies and public health.
This comment is off-topic, but important.
If you are interested in reforming medicine, I recommend following Sensible Medicine .
Vinay Prasad and others are exposing some of the problems in medicine and giving an opportunity for debate and liberty. This is a very good thing and I think that Sensible Medicine would benefit from thoughtful comments by Lyons-Weiler and other commenters here.
I have commented about the need for education in the philosophical areas of liberty and ethics, which used to happen in high school, but now are only taught in a few colleges. Liberty and ethics weigh heavily in how science is done and against political mandates. We might want to play on Prasad's playground.