OPEN ME... Celebrate with Us: The Day Has Finally Arrived! Objective, Narrative-Free Science Has a Beautiful New Home! You Do Not Want to Miss This!
Incredible upgrade to the peer reviewed journal, Science, Public Health & the Law.
The day has finally arrived. The growing community of ethical, incorruptible academic scientists and ethical physicians have a journal with a website worthy of conveying their higher ideals of objectivity in science (of any kind, including clinical) by example.
Grab a PC or laptop and head over to the journal website. Do yourself, society and civilization itself a favor: Share this to all - ALL of your friends. You and they will not be disappointed. You can also join the World Society for Ethical Science, the aggregate funds of which are programmed to fund the studies we all know need to be conducted. This society will be, as they say, huge.
Our goal is to make this the largest society that supports objective science in the world. It really should include every person on the planet, as their well-being is tied to whether narrative-free science or narrative-enforcing pseudoscience wins the attention and respect of the increasingly informed public.
Of course, we can also celebrate the formation of the world’s largest ethical (not captured) Institutional Review Board, which is now actively receiving and reviewing proposals for studies designed to address hypotheses in biomedicine and clinical science that would not likely otherwise be proposed.
We’re not playing around; we’re playing for keeps. If you’re a scientist or publishing physician doing clinical or biomedical research and want to join our Reviewer Pool, we support rational discourse at every turn.
Just wait until you see our Editorial Board! If you feel you should have been invited to the Editorial Board, it’s not an oversight; it’s bandwidth. We’re open to self-nominations (send resume and cover letter to If you are an ethical physician or objective scientist earnestly focused on understanding reality, we want you!
Ethical companies can apply to run advertisements (capped to prevent capture) to promote their own products and support objective, narrative-free science.
Please read the entire terms and conditions—they are long—and understand how profoundly we have placed a stake in the ground and established a new higher standard for ethical publication of research. Our News items are selected from among the most consistently reliable, unbiased sources we could find. You can suggest an RSS feed here.
The journal website is only going to get better, with a Community Calendar feature so everyone can find events and participate, membership logins for special communications among WSES members, and discounts on courses at a variety of online learning institutions. We anticipate that once you start browsing the journal website, you’ll want updates. Subscriptions bring you membership to WSES along with journal notifications.
We can also host and promote educational webinars, promote live, in-person meetings, and so much more.
This is YOUR journal. Be sure to bookmark it and join WSES, we have great plans!
Paul Marik listed twice?
Are readers able to submit requests, vote on topics to have studied, read about sources of funding / conflicts of interest, or donate?
While I am easily able to celebrate this World Society of Ethical Science, as an eldering woman living on Social Security, membership in this org is not possible for me, and surely many others.