IPAK Launches "Detoxify Our Schools" Program
We have an Environmental Toxicologist of world renown willing to teach School Board members and science teachers Environmental Toxicology - You can make this happen.
It’s not me. It’s someone I admire - a lot.
We’ve decided that we should offer a thorough environmental toxicology course to School Board members and science teachers across the US and Canada.
We’re not going to wait for EPA to educate them. And parents often only have a few moments’ time to address the issues of school bus idling, pesticides, herbicide, unsafe water and unsafe food in our schools.
So, IPAK is doing what it can to help bring about an online course designed for School Board Members and science teachers the details they need to prioritize decision-making that protects our kids from corporate toxins.
To learn more, read this article:
Go you!!! This is some of the best news I read today. :)