Fauci says it perfectly well. He should have said this, however, in the 1980s when that Pharma Bulls started taking over the agencies that regulate their industry.
Your lies have no power here anymore, Fauci.
"Dr. Anthony Fauci urges Americans not to accept "normalization of untruths"
Do not accept and shrug your shoulders at the normalization of untruths. Because we're living in an era now There's so much distortion of reality. Outright fabrication. Lying. Conspiracy theories. That it's so prevalent that people sort of shrug their shoulders and say, "Well, nothing to do about it, it's the new normal."
NO! Do not accept that as the new normal because whenever you have the acceptance of untruths and distortions ultimately it's going to erode at the foundation of the social order and our democracy.
And I think history has shown that if anybody just looks back as recently as the 1930s and early 40s in Europe when that happened - Be careful. Don't accept the normalization of untruths."
Unfortunately, Dr. Falsey is saying it about speaking actual truth, so even when he says something true, he still lies.
I really want confirmation of RFK Jr's claim from his book on Fauci that Reagan had asked for Duesberg and Fauci to meet with him to talk about the Aids epidemic and Fauci had it cancelled. If Fauci got Reagan to cancel this....that is unreal.
[I didn't mean for this to sound questioning of RFK Jr being right so much as I want a bigger deal made out of this then has. Its on page 472 of the book on my kindle. And per David I'm looking up the source now..I Reagan staff member told Duesberg about this per Bialy, op. cit. ,83 <--I don't know what that means for tracking down the original source. ]