Fauci is Utterly Ignorant of Medical Freedom History in the US
Yet another idiocratic statement has been made by the leader no one following.
Is it true, as Fauci has most recently claimed, that we've never seen Americans fight against mandatory masking?
According to Yahoo News, he thinks Americans never fought against the government trying to decree mask-wearing policies as law.
Just like nearly everything Fauci has ever said about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, the efficacy of early prophylactic treatments, Fauci is wrong about the claim that we’ve never seen this before.
These images are from the so-called Spanish Flu days (1918). People then were against compulsion, just as today.
The difference today is that we know the public health officials should know better.
You could have ended the headline at "Ignorant."
What disappoints and upsets me is I took the time to research masks back in 2020. One of the first things I focused on was history and came across not only this but Kellogg's study on masks. And it flowed from there. The body of evidence that masks were ineffective was indisputable and explains why masking was implemented during influenza seasons since it was the WEAKEST of the NPIs.
We were rational, sensible and followed the literature, data and science.
But 2020 science somehow ignored and obliterated the massive evidence. I see all these studies 'pro-maskers' desperately wanting to find any study that confirms their bias and they ALL fall short. Including this latest one now circulating. Nor is it lost on me such experts ignore other properly constructed studies like the RCT study in schools in Barcelona as well as the North Dakota and Tennessee studies that contradict the ones they do cherry-pick. NEVER MIND that Scandinavia NEVER masked their students.
My question is: What exactly happened to make masks a key NPI? Is it political? What did and does Fauci know? There seem to be a lot of holes here that needed to be filled.
Masks are clearly a favourite of behavioural scientists and other medical authoritarians as a tool of control so it appears to be a psychological 'fear' exercise more than anything.