Calling on Popular Rationalists to "Chris Hickie Protest" Paid Subscriptions and Donations
We have an annoying troll bent on wasting as much of our time as possible. Let's take a moment and make sure he understands his efforts have backfired.
Chris Hickie, a pediatrician with major financial conflicts of interest, has made it clear that his goal is to destroy my reputation, reduce enrollment in our classes at IPAK-EDU, and shut down donations for IPAK research. He’s trolled me on Facebook with shallow, personal attacks and negativity. And now that he’s discovered Popular Rationalism, he pollutes the comment section with a stew of personal and professional attacks, in a manner most unsuited to a man of medicine.
I’m inviting everyone who is not yet a Paid Subscriber to Popular Rationalism to take up a “Chris Hickie Protest” Popular Rationalism Paid Subscription to protest Hickie’s unprofessional and childish attacks - or, if you already are a Paid Subscriber, to donate to Phase III of the IPAK Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed study in which we will address three new questions under our IRB-approved research program. (Long version of the story of IPAK and IPAK-EDU below).
Already a paid subscriber? Sign up to support Phase III of the IPAK Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed study with a protest donation.
For those who want the long version:
So, you set up an independent research institute specifically because you see that Science is in trouble and you want Objective Science to have a place in the world. You start collecting donations. It’s slow at first, and times are hard. You run a conference on Vaccine Safety in 2017 with three concurrent sessions. You do research, and you publish on aluminum clearance rates in children. You find that the FDA had no safe dose limit for aluminum in vaccines for children. So you derive one, and publish it and compare the clearance rate to the safety limit. The reviews applaud you for the audacity of taking on the FDA head-on. The vaccine levels are WAY over the limit. Donations to support further work come in a bit more.
You sell one income-generating property (a cottage) to keep going. You’re approached by lawyers who fight for justice for families in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. They pay you a professional fee. You do more research between the donations and the income from the sale of your cottage and the occasional NVICP fees.
Next, you’ve compared the aluminum toxicity CDC schedule to Dr. Paul Thomas’ schedule. That publication really makes some waves because it’s clear that Dr. Paul has reduced the aluminum toxicity of the schedule by a factor of 14 (70% of days in aluminum toxicity under the CDC schedule vs. 5% of days under The Vaccine Friendly Plan ) More donations come into IPAK for more research, but you could do better.
Then you sell another income-generating property, a condo. Between the donations and the income, you keep going. You start an online, peer-reviewed journal, Science, Public Health Policy & the Law. Now, you’ve published a study showing what will happen if parents follow the CDC’s recommended “catch-up” schedule when schools open up after the lockdown ends. You, and colleagues, find that kids are in aluminum toxicity 100% of their days in the first year of life under the CDC’s pediatric vaccination schedule because kids’ kidneys are not mature until 24 months.
Meanwhile, in the NVICP, you accurately report the scientific literature showing a causal link between aluminum hydroxide and autoimmunity. A Special Master in the NVICP attempts - and fails - to bribe you via an HHS lawyer to change your testimony about aluminum and autoimmunity. You offer one last expert statement calling out the criminally fraudulent activity in your testimony, and you resign from the NVICP as an expert witness.
You start a Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed study using data from his practice with Dr. Paul Thomas. A few more donations come in. You “discover” and recruit Dr. Jessica Rose as a research fellow, and she kicks ass! (Right?!?)
You study the potential of SARS-CoV-2 proteins to induce autoimmunity and coin the term “Pathogenic Priming” to replace “Immune Enhancement”. Your study is cited by 47 other research articles and Harvard University validates and extends your results. You create the Nucleic Acid Assay Technology Evaluation Consortium to fund research using sequencing to determine the accuracy of PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2.
COVID-19 is here in full swing; people are in lockdown. You realize that you can bring educators and students together in an online adult education forum. You create online University. Students are thrilled - they can learn from unbiased sources. You teach the students Biology, Bioinformatics. You sell your home. You add Environmental Toxicology, and more. Instructors are signing up - the sky’s the limit - you can bring them well-organized learning on topics that really matter to them and empower them to be informed in the public square. But it’s a slow start, of course.
During this time, Substack presents itself as an opportunity. The response is excellent. You fight against disinformation and write articles that show the lunacy of lockdowns, the madness of workplace mandates, etc., etc. You’re already writing articles on things that matter at so it’s a bonus that people can do paid subscriptions. And they do! You feel truly blessed.
The Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed study is published, and Dr. Thomas has his license wrongfully and vindictively suspended without a hearing after five days by a rogue medical board. The paper is retracted a while later after 1/4M people read it and one person, who is not a biomedical research scientist, complains about adjusting for age and an alleged (unproven) confounder is imagined. Age is a near-perfect correlate of Days of Care, which you already addressed during peer review. The journal gets scared, or pressured, and retracts the paper anyway.
The alleged confounder is addressed in a second paper with Dr. Russell Blaylock, a study (Phase II of the IPAK Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed study). You find that families with unvaxxed kids make their well-child visits with a higher regularity than the families of vaxxed kids, so the alleged confounder is disproven. You do a thorough, unbiased analysis that also shows that kids who have stopped vaccinating have a lower risk of many chronic adverse health outcomes. It’s heartbreaking. Clearly, there’s a serious problem.
Then a troll named Chris Hickie comes to your Substack. He clearly sees your work as a mortal threat to his way of life. He attacks you with accusations of fraud and with personal attacks, peppered with claims that he has discovered various arithmetic issues with your new study. What he doesn’t understand are the details of analysis because he doesn’t read the details of the study and he’s not an expert in multivariate statistics. It’s clear that he wants to sow doubt among your followers, nothing else. It doesn’t matter if he is wrong. Also, if you ban him from Substack, you’re censoring free speech and will be accused of being a hypocrite… so, you tolerate his tripe. He’s fishing for details on whether Paul Thomas funded Phase III. You don’t give him any details.
But, he’s obnoxious, always negative, and a time-sink, so, you call on your followers to make a Protest Paid Subscription or a Protest Donation for Phase III so you can report back the total amount of funds he has helped generate to provide objective research and unbiased education to the public.
That’s what you can do now. The green button is for Phase III of the Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed Study.
I can tell from my interactions with Hickie that he has likely routinely and reliably denied his patients informed consent. We’ll have to address this another time.
For now, I can’t wait to report back how much IPAK research funds and new paid subscriptions Chris “Vaccinate Anything that Moves” Hickie, our resident troll, has helped generate.
Now I can get back to doing independent research. What’s coming up? Months of effort on
Phase III - Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Pediatric Patients
Vaccinated Older vs. Unvaccinated Younger Siblings
Workloss Due to COVID-19 Vaccination (unnamed industry for now)
James, I am a long time paid subscriber and a donor as well. But why not just block him? I would give my eye teeth to have a "silence" button for certain posters in SubStack (most platforms do) but you have one...
Agree with Dr. K.
I come for rational and open discussion. It's abundantly clear as to this fool's intentions, so why give him any satisfaction?
There are so many bigger fish to fry and you are serving a greater purpose. Please maintain focus and keep your armor polished for the real battles that lie ahead.
Bless all that you do Dr. JLW.