Sounds promising. For me, I have a child whose development was delayed and never seemed to recover after a GI doc had us give him PEG everyday for a year. I personally do not trust that compound and have out off having a colonoscopy because of the requirement to consume a bunch of PEG.

Also, I’m curious: for this new subcutaneous injection in the article, does the manufacturers get liability release like vaccine makers or do they stand behind the safety of their product like every other manufacturer?

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What about profits? That is the key factor on whether a treatment like this can move forward. IF Pharma can make a lot of money from it then it might move forward, but if not, then the future is pretty bleak for interleukin 29 treatment.

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Guess I'm just a simple girl with silly simple solutions, but whatever the affliction, I head first for my Vitamin C 1000mg capsules of which I take at least 4 daily anyway, and a good strong cup of ginger tea repeated as necessary. I can't recall anything for which this has not helped, even in remineralizing the five fractured bones in my foot seven years ago. This is how I dealt with a bout of shingles, and I still regret letting myself be scared by the urgent-care place I went to because the stabbing pains were wearing me out (and if I'd had extra-strength aspirin--the 500mg version taken 2 at once, I'd have saved myself the trip) into taking that vile Valtrex as insurance against, as I was told, maybe developing meningitis.

Seriously. Who doesn't take Vitamin C in a sufficiently-therapeutic dose for any infection? Well, too many people, unfortunately. Someone explain why.

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I’m wondering about whether polyethylene glycol is safe for us to be injecting, number one.

And number two, I would like to know if this treatment would have any adverse effects on someone with autoimmune disorders, specifically a person who was injected with several “boosters” at once years ago which resulted in a cytokine storm and development of these autoimmune issues. I imagine they omit anyone with autoimmunity from these trials in order to have a “cleaner” study. We may never know how/if it would work for that type of patient.

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Thought #1:

"The rate of any adverse event was 15.1% in the treatment group vs. 16.9% in the placebo group. The rate of serious adverse events in the two groups was 3.4% and 4.8%, respectively."

Numbers like those always make me question what the placebo was or what methods were used that may have manipulated the data to produce results like that.

Thought #2:

I would still much rather have a choice to use some of the tried and true early treatments highlighted at c19early.

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Seriously, what’s wrong with IVM, HCQ, zinc, vitamins C, D, E and a real-foods diet?! Have we learned nothing?

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God forbid we should use what we know works. It's only life or death, after all.

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i dismissed it as soon as PEGilation came into the picture. There. is very good reason why the body destroys spme things...

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It seems like all the biological drugs being released are PEGylated (or contain polysorbates). As a patient who’s had severe reactions to macrogols, I have to ask when an alternative, less allergenic formulation will be found.

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I intend to never inject myself or my loved ones with anything ever again. There is nothing less natural than penetrating the skin to deposit something into the muscle or blood stream, bypassing all the natural defenses of the body. I reject it as being beneficial.

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Was this the one where the vaxxed had a 65% improvement and the unvaxxed 90%?

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If it sounds too good to be true…

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The quote you have says they found a 41% decrease in time to death or hospitalization-- very different than a reduction in the rate of hospitalization or death.

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Still evidently nowhere near as good as the Brownstein nutritional and oxidative protocol cited below, but for those who must have their drugs, it could be something. https://www.publichealthpolicyjournal.com/_files/ugd/adf864_cc5004cfa84a46d3b1a0338d4308c42c.pdf

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Garlic, the ancient Greeks, Roman’s, Egyptians, believed in the healing properties of garlic. Greek athletes used it pre early Olympics. Look up the studies yourself. Turmeric ginger chia flax all reduce inflammation. Choose wisely.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023

Alpha & Beta Interferons are already in the market... These could do the trick too, I think. (PEGylated molecules just stick around in the body longer & make $$ for pharma.)

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