The Great Resignation Was Due to Mass Protest Over Proposed and Illegal Workplace Vaccine Mandates, to Eyewitnessed Mass Vaccine Casualties, and to (Really Badly Done) Disinformation
The mainstream press cites opinion only supporting other causes in cases of COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths. Yet those "other causes" are suspiciously similar to known COVID-19 serious side effects.
(Important references here, esp. to Skidmore and to Solari. If you Tweet this, please use #MedTwitter).
In early 2021, millions of Americans decided they were going to quit their jobs. If you look to “official” sources for contributing causes, you will find “wage stagnation amid a rising cost of living, long-lasting job dissatisfaction, safety concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the desire to work for companies with better remote-working policies” (source: Wikipedia). This narrative does not hold up to even the slightest level of objective scrutiny.
Here’s the chart from Wikipedia on the # of new QUITs (# of people quitting jobs) as a percentage of total employment from 2001-2021.
How could the great resignation be due to anything in 2020, when the number of people quitting per month at the end of 2020 and the start of 2021 was identical to that for 2019-2020? People held onto their jobs in 2020.
Here’s a closer look at the data, with 2020 bracketed. There was a massive increase in people NOT quitting, and then over the course of a year, a return to normal rates.
The FDA issued the first EUA for COVID-19 vaccines on Dec 11, 2020.
Then 2021 kicked in. Clearly, nearly all of the Great Resignation beyond the baseline is in the post-vaccination COVID-19 era:
By December 21, 2021, twenty-six states had filed lawsuits challenging the Federal COVID-19 vaccine requirement for health care provider staff (Source; Kaiser Family Foundation). The share of nurses considering leaving the profession increased from 11 percent in 2020 to 29 percent in 2021.
In the fall of 2021, when airline pilots refused to show up to work, the “official” narrative was that flight delays were due to heavy traffic volume and the weather.
Recall that many employees started enforcing vaccine mandates before they had the authority to do so. When Biden tried the OSHA maneuver, some employers begin transmitting authority they believed was in place due to an administrative rule far ahead of the date it would go into effect. In 2022, the Supreme Court ended the Biden administration's bid to use new OSHA administrative rules to mandate the new COVID-19 vaccines in the workplace (January 13, 2022).
With many employers threatening to fire employees over their vaccination status, many workers simply sought employment elsewhere. Their mobility vacated their positions, which led to their former employers seeking to adjust course and incentive replacement hires with more flexibility in hours or with perks like more tolerance for working from home. According to economists, the rate of on-the-job search for new employment went to a record high in 2021, leading to wage competition, and thereby to inflation as competition among employers for workers rose. In the end, the overreach by employers - and the Biden administration with the threat of a backdoor no-jab no-pay via the ill-fated OSHA administrative rule save the American workforce from compulsory injections.
Compare to most American workers, Healthcare workers did not fare so well. On November 5, 2021, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published regulations that established the first-ever federal vaccination requirements for health care provider staff. SCOTUS allowed that mandate to stand by a 5-4 vote. Medical centers like the Mayo Clinic fired hundreds of physicians, nurses, and staff who refused to comply with the medical workers’ “allowed” mandates. This was replicated across the country. CMS reported it decided to require health care staff to be vaccinated because its earlier efforts to simply encourage vaccination had been “insufficient” to protect patient health and safety. CMS cited data showing that COVID-19 cases in nursing homes surged with the rise of the Delta variant.
Ironically, the Delta variant surge was almost certainly due to Antibody-Dependent-Enhancement (ADE), as the vaccine produced antibodies against the Wuhan-1 variant. Those antibodies, according to a growing body of research, should be expected to enhance the entry of variants from Beta variant onward.
Medical Staff Experiencing Vaccine Injury First-Hand
According to the CDC, only nine people have died following COVID-19 vaccination.
I am sharing a list of names of medical personnel who have died following receipt of the COVID-19 vaccine. In many of these cases, the official conclusion on causality is “uncertain”; in other cases the vaccine was allegedly ruled out: In one case, a Filipino nurse died “of Covid-19” after vaccination. “Officials” were so certain that the vaccine was not involved that the headline read that officials had already determined that her death was not from adverse reactions, claiming that she died instead from “COVID-19 infection”. ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) can make the virus more lethal, and in that case, the nurse not only had been vaccinated, but also had a prior infection. The likelihood that her death was not related to the vaccination is very low, and requires that one ignore that ADE was only studied using monkeys and Wuhan-1 type antibodies against Wuhan-1 viral challenge. Dr. Fantini’s work makes it clear that the entry of latter variants is enhanced by Wuhan-1 type antibodies.
Some of the deaths were ruled “natural” in record time (e.g., Dr. SaraBeth Hartledge), which is odd for a number of reasons: for one, the vaccine is new. Further, determination of the causality (or lack thereof) has required decades of debating minutiae for the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in some cases for some vaccine adverse events. Guillain-Barre Syndrome was first observed as a possible vaccine adverse event in the first national respiratory virus vaccination program in 1976, but it was not added to the “Vaccine Table” of HHS’s confessed vaccine injuries until forty-one years later, in 2017.
In most cases now that more data are available the mechanisms of action of the conditions leading to these deaths have been established. Dr. Thomas Flanigran of Ohio, for example, allegedly died from an “undiagnosed aortic rupture”, yet it was not known at the time that the spike protein can cause syncytia - open connections among heart cells that are not supposed to be there for proper heart functioning.
The data showing the association of increases in the myocardial pathologies and coagulopathies represents established facts are being ignored or misrepresented by “official sources”: the public is being lied to over and over again. Take, for example, the webpage at the University of Missouri’s
“Scary Reports of Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccination Aren’t What They Seem”
They cite CDC, which implies that all of the VAERS cases involved medical record reviews and checks on causality - yet in this article, Science magazine reports that Fox News’ Tucker Carlson “did not mention the (VAERS) reports are not vetted”.
Which is it, “Public Health”? Pick a narrative!
It’s not surprising all of this disinformation has been happening: in 2021 the White House also issued a request to the media to stop reporting on vaccine adverse events.
Dr. Robert Finberg, Massachusetts
Dr. Robert Finberg, leading COVID-19 vaccine researcher at UMass Medical School, dies unexpectedly
Dr. Carey Washington, Idaho
Daughter of Fully Vaccinated Father Who Died of COVID…
Dr. J Barton Williams, Tennessee
Tennessee surgeon dies of COVID-related illness weeks after receiving 2nd COVID vaccine
Dr. Tim Zook, Florida
Health care worker dies after second dose of COVID vaccine, investigations underway
Dr. SaraBeth Hartledge, Kentucky
Florida medical examiner releases cause of death for Dr. SarahBeth Hartlage
Dr. Gregory Michael, Florida
Medical examiners investigate death of doctor who got coronavirus vaccine
Dr. Thomas Flanigan, Ohio
Fact check: Ohio doctor who joked about shots didn't die from COVID-19 vaccine
Jeffrey Sales (Nurse)
Vaccinated Nurse Dies 12 Hours After Testing Positive of COVID-19
Now, if you’re a nurse, and you are being told in 2021 that you have to be vaccinated or be fired, and you see vaccine proponents dying after being vaccinated, what would any logical person do, given that we have seen time and time again that CDC cooks all vaccine studies to make sure that the public’s perception of vaccine risk and injury is minimized? These nurses also see their own patients suffering serious injury and death at the REAL rate - not the cooked rate published by fixers paid by CDC and FDA to cook the data. I’ve named their names, and as has Toby Rogers and many others who can see clearly how the data are unreliable.
It is currently unknown how many deaths since 2021 that have been attributed to COVID-19 were actually vaccine-induced conditions that might not have occurred had the individual not been vaccinated in part because the CDC changed the criteria for diagnosing and reporting COVID-19 in the vaccinated, preferring only data from patients with PCR cycle thresholds of <26 PCR cycles if the individual in question had been vaccinated, but they allowed data up to 45 PCR cycles if the patient was unvaccinated. We also do not know if the assignment of people to the “vaccinated” category has actually followed a delay in assigning the status of “vaccinated” up to 5 weeks following the first dose, as was done in all of the clinical trials, with “vaccinating” people who were diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to two or three weeks after their first vaccine exposure.
What about real-world data?
Mark Skidmore’s Study Estimates 264,000 to 308,000 Deaths Following COVID-19 Injections
My friends over at Solari have created documents that individuals can use to assure their family members that they have thought through the potential financial consequences of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events or death. Those forms are downloadable here. The report includes important background knowledge, including a working paper by Professor Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University:
“In December 2021, Professor Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University (with dual appointments in Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics and Economics) conducted a nationwide survey to estimate the number of fatalities associated with the Covid injections. Dr. Skidmore administered the online "Covid-19 Health Experiences Survey" to a representative sample of 3,000 U.S. residents balanced (to the extent possible) on age, gender, and income. The survey collected information about respondents' direct experiences with Covid-19 illness and injections, as well as related experiences within respondents' social circles.
About half of the respondents had received Covid shots (with more than one in six experiencing health issues post-injection), and one in four reported knowing others who had significant post-injection health issues. Respondents described deaths as well as non-fatal but severe adverse events such as heart problems, blood clots, strokes, and paralysis.
Extrapolating from his results, Dr. Skidmore's conservative estimate is that between 264,000 and 308,000 people may have died following Covid-19 injections in the U.S., and 1.1 million may have experienced life-threatening or life-shortening injuries. The survey report includes two appendices with 30 pages of vivid and sobering descriptions of adverse events experienced by respondents or people they knew.”
If Dr. Skidmore’s estimates are correct, there may be as many as 1 million newly disabled American citizens who might find it difficult to work, and many of their family members kept busy caring for the newly disabled. As the vaccination program continues, I suspect we’ll see many more on the way. I hope I’m wrong.
Dr. Skidmore’s working paper is located online here.
If you drop by Solari, and especially if you subscribe, please let them know I sent you, and tell Catherine Austin Fitts I said hello.
It’s Going to Get Worse
Since #PathogenicPriming has been validated, it is apparent (sadly) that the death rates among healthcare workers in the US is going to increase. The “mainstream” media will continue to deny, or just stop reporting, these deaths altogether. Many of the deaths will come with breakthrough infections in the vaccinated, and will be attributed to new variants. But that won’t make sense, because deadly variants do not spread. The widespread vaccination of individuals who then become infected will be undeniable: those of use who have had COVID-19 and who are not vaccinated will not be at as high risk to new variants. The vaccine program is driving the virus to become immune to the effects of the vaccine, which targets Wuhan-1 spike only. This is madness.
Postscript: The oligarchy will reach for any other excuse to explain The Great Resignation - even if the cause occurs after the event. For example, Beyonce’s new song is being represented by “mainstream” media as an anti-work “anthem”. Her lyrics:
"Release ya mind,
Release ya job
Release the time
Release ya trade
Release the stress
Release the love
Forget the rest."
Her song is about leaving the old ways behind toward a new “vibe”: a new way of living in the United States of America and around the world that allegedly somehow involves no one having any jobs.
I'm really curious about which economic theories the Neomarxist idealists have been reading. Perhaps they have found a system by which they can capture the wealth from those who are massively wealthy and redistribute it to everyone in a way that is fair so that everyone gets an equal piece of the pie. However, the Marxist ideals always fall apart because they forget that history has shown us that after mass wealth redistribution enforced by guns owned exclusively by the government, there is no one baking new pies after the first one has been eaten. Perhaps they believe that printing new paper money is sufficient to drive an economy - in spite of the many examples in history that proves that particular move to be followed by massive hardship.
But go ahead, release. Hope that works out for you. The rest of us have a lot of work to do.
The key to a thriving economy is an open society that inspires innovation combined with sustained and focused effort toward accomplishing a specific goal. We should not imagine that we can merely exchange our old economic ways of life for a posh new lifestyle involving non-stop consumer spending of government-supplied monies. In fact, the evidence from the economic experiment conducted during COVID-19 led to people believing they can survive without working has proven to be a disaster.
For those who are curious, Beyonce's personal net wealth is currently estimated at $500 million.
Registration for courses at IPAK-EDU is open. Click on the image below to access. An informed public is an empowered public. Join us! you're aware, with my being almost 60, will ONLY say this, Jamie (and I've identified a VERY specific alternative model which I'm trying HARD to promote at present): such mandates were the proverbial straw that broke the camel's BACK - millions of people worldwide have been YEARNING to abandon an EXCEEDINGLY-abusive, inherently-UNsustainable (AS their 'Great Reset' / 'Fourth Industrial Revolution', wholly CONCEDES) hierarchal capitalist (i.e., state RELIGION) / exploitative hamster wheel for DECADES these same SADISTS we're suffering have wielded WELL over a CENTURY (Rockers ESPECIALLY, though along WITH a LONG line of resolute FASCISTS, sociopaths) but, DIDN'T believe they'd be economically ALLOWED to indulge their entrepreneurial instincts - have REAL 'freedom', seek a MUCH healthier, diversified, SANER existence.....should've LONG ago RECOGNIZED as a society - all things BEING equal - that there can be no TRUE, informed choice WITHOUT satisfying of BASIC needs relative to 'health' (EASILY-reconfigurable, reasonably-SPATIOUS shelter, palatable foodstuffs, clean, STRUCTURED water, expedient access to NON-toxic disease-state amelioratives, individual power generation) AND for which, EXISTING / suppressed technology WILL now allow (when it's NEVER been needed MORE.....)
Thank you for your contribution to ending the madness. If it were not for sane voices like yours, I would have given up hope.